There use to be certain time when there is an on going move of the spirit of God in nations and territories across the world and am excited to tell you Africa is currently undergoing the move of the spirit of God, just as the bible says – In the last days, I shall pour out my spirit upon all flesh; there is a fresh out pouring of the spirit of God in our land and Nigeria is a major player in this ongoing move.
Now trading by the times of Great God’s general that as passed through this nation, the likes of Apostle Babalola of CAC, Archbishop Benson Idahosa of The Church of God Mission and lots more, there were certain things that this move came with during their time, but many of us were not even born then, it was later when we gave our lives to Christ and begin to grow and trade by wisdom and knowledge on mighty wonders of God over our land that we came to know about this great works and great men.
But then, in every season and time, God raises men to lead his agenda for the generation and season, this is essentially what I want to focus this article on.
- Inside Faith Tabernacle Canaanland Otta
Now Bishop David Oyedepo is a man God commission to undertake the responsibility called “THE LIBERATION MANDATE” Which says; The hour as come to go liberate the world from every oppression of the devil by the preaching of The Word of Faith, and am sending you to go undertake this task!
So Two things we must take note right here, Bishop Oyedepo was sent by God, the LIVING FAITH CHURCH also was set up by God to put an end to every work of the devil in this generation and that which is to come.
Now, it pains me when I see many believers and unbelievers who are still passing through all kinds of oppression of the devil and they allow the god of this world to blindfold their eyes from seeing where their breakthrough lies.
More often than not, another weapon the enemy uses against people is to make them dislike their God sent one, like messenger, pastors, servants and prophet.
The bible says; Believe the lord your God; you shall be establish but believe his prophet, then you shall prosper.
So prosperity is embedded in obeying and believing in God’s sent one, bishop oyedepo is one of the few but true sent one from God that teaches the church t
o be current and up-to-date with the move of God in our own dispensation.
Now, let me make some certain truth clear right here;
For any greatness to be accomplished in life you need a father or a mentor, this is a must!
If you must be a voice and leader you must serve, you need a mentor that will continually put you through the process that will lead you to greater height.
Like papa always say “The church is the solution to the problems of Africa” this is a non-negotiable fact.
We need God in this nation and as we begin to seek him and engage his ark of revival, we can be very sure of experiencing the hand of God.
But God’s people need a teacher like bishop oyedepo that will teach you and mentor you the way you should go!
God is doing mind blowing work at winners chapel worldwide right now and even if you are a minister (pastor) it will do you good to check out what God is doing there and learn from it so that you can reciprocate the same delivery and hand of God in your own ministry aswell.

Now let me do a little break down for better understanding; we have been going for so many outreaches of late and it as been bringing and compelling multitude into the church of Christ, if you are a worker in Winners chapel, you will realize that stewardship is a product of commitment and grace, it is not for the lazy ones, we work so strong, going to programs almost an hour before it starts, going for outreaches every Saturday, and at times morning and evening raids just to compel people from cities and hedges to come to zion, this is what we do most often time, and also during our sessions of prayer, we are busy praying kingdom advancement prayers; that God should establish all our new souls and new members in the faith, pull down stronghold and everlasting mountains in their lives so that they can have a new testimony and see the hand of God.
Now there has been diverse testimony that are totally “unbelievable” both for the new converts and new members that we are praying for and we also that we have chosen to leave our own personal life need prayers and focus on kingdom advancement prayers.
It is not enough to be a Christian, you must carry Jesus on your head; I once heard my father in the lord, Bishop David Oyedepo saying; “when you are all out for Christ, God will be all out for you”.
Its hi-time people forsake this lukewarm Christianity, there are a lot of people dying just beside you all because they are not under the cloud of God’s glory, since they aren’t save, God can’t guarantee their security, it takes been saved by Jesus Christ for most of the evil torment of the enemy over anyone’s life to come to an end.
Now, one of our new convert in the Winners chapel international headquarter, Canaanland Otta Faith Tabernacle; shared a mind blowing testimony.
He was a Muslim before and God saved his soul now he is born again but the family were tormenting him and they throw him out of the house, spoilt his laptop and all that, but he insisted, I will follow Jesus; now he was to be killed in a family meeting unknowing to him that it was a demonic setup to have him dead.
When he got there, he saw all manner of charms on the table and as the man begin to make enchantment against him, the evil man fell down and die right there in his front, that was how God gave him victory and he is now saved and enjoying Christ.
Now bishop oyedepo also said and I quoted “It is very important as a Christian, that you mind yourself, your God and his kingdom”.
If you really want to begat the glory of God in your own days, there will be a lot of confrontation, challenges and people will mock you, but you must be focus on God and the work of his kingdom that has been set before you, knowing fully well that your labor of Love is never and will never be in vain.
Most Christians lack understanding of the word and they just know they are saved but to enjoy the full delivery of the package embedded in salvation, they don’t have understanding; now in view of this, Go knows that while we are going on outreaches and salvation missions, we will have a lot of unbelievers coming to our church and they will not be growing by the word on Sunday and mid-week Wednesday service alone so he has put up “Word of faith Bible Institute” (WOFBI) as a quality platform to teach the world about the gospel of faith and what a Christian must know in order to fully express and enjoy all that God as made available to him as regard “Life and Godliness”, salvation is not a minus to your life, you must even be greater in life and destiny because you are saved, but you need knowledge and understand and that’s exactly why the bible school is in place in order to teach you and equip you and strengthen you in faith and in the lord, release grace and knowledge upon your life that will make you have dominion and rule in the midst of your enemy.
Most of the problems and challenges of life that people experience, there are certain scriptural laws and patterns that governs them so that when you obey those laws, you will begin to live life as though your problem never existed, why?
Because the word of God is “quick and powerful”.
Blessed be the name of the lord the kind of revival we are experiencing in winners by the spirit of God is a lifetime revival, it is on every season and it is word revival, the outpouring of his word in season, authentic powerful revelation of the word through the holyspirit that brings about drastic transformation in the lives of men.
This season, if you are in Lagos, it will do you so many good to join any of our services in Winners chapel Canaanland Otta “Faith Tabernacle” where God’s servant will be releasing the word, grace, power and blessings of God upon your life and your life will experience a quatum leap!
One of the greatest secret of this great flourishing, heaven ordain ministry is that “There is a prophet and an apostle” of God that is driving the move, this was the same way mighty men like Idahosa, Babalola, John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth”, and more birthed dangerous move of God and revival in their generation, every true revival must have man that channels it, just like every plane must have a pilot that drives it so that e journey can be successful.
Bishop David Oyedepo is the apostle of God that was sent after an 18-hours encounter with the lord which birthed the liberation mandate”
So what is the liberation mandate?
It is the assignment GOD gave bishop when he told him (Now is the time to go liberate the world from every operation of the devil through the preaching of the Word of Faith), and ever since then God as not seize to be faithful to this mandate, now let share this powerful testimony aswell, someone was outside Nigeria and was watching bishop oyedepo in our Wednesday mid-week communion service, while he blessed the communion and in her own country, she prepare the communion “Just bread and Fanta” with faith connecting to the spirit of God in the life of God’s servant and as she took the communion, HIV Positive became negative, she went to the hospital and it was confirmed.
You can’t be in Nigeria and still be under the oppression of the devil, NO! Not when there a word revival on going, not when there is a prophet of God in this land, not when the liberation mandate is still valid! Not when the lord in midst of his people is still mighty!
Bishop Oyedepo was on his regular weekly outreach mission when a woman saw him in Lagos and ran to him saying, Eh! Papa, wait, some years ago, you law your hands on my twice and your God healed me of stroke, bishop replied – Blessed be his name!
Bishop oyedepo is not one of the scandalize and stigmatize ministers of God in Nigeria, he is one of the true few sent and choosen of God for this generation and truly he has been so committed to his calling; he as minister in major parts of the world but blessed as he is right now, he still in this country where God as told him to be, if it’s some minister they would have check out and go enjoy in London or somewhere else, but this man is here setting the stage for Africa and making a landmark in his generation and this country.
God is using papa in many field s of life not just ministerial exploits alone, but much more than that, he is in frontline of the exploit in academic of this nation, with landmark university and covenant university running excellently well, this is someone that is worthy of been called a priest and a mentor at the same time.
Quality mentorship towards greatness in Life and Godliness, I once heard him saying; “been a black is not a problem and coming from Africa does not reduce you” there are a lot of complains in this nation today but in the same nation, this mighty men are doing great, workers in both winners chapel and all the industrial bodies under the monitoring of Bishop’s leadership ae well paid no matter what the current economy of the nation is, they are not disturb, you know why?
The wisdom of God is evidently at work in his life and they have successfully heralded a blessed generation.
I once heard Pastor (Dr). Paul Enenche of Dunamis Christian Center, saying God can release one thousand Oyedepo in Nigeria through the Current anointing of Bishop David Oyedepo, but how many people are ready to truly serve and be under his mentorship?
The true is, if you want to be distinguished in your generation, you need to undergo certain mentorship, greatness is state of God, you don’t sit down and become great, you go up, but the only way to the top is through quality mentorship from people that have gone there.
I strongly perceive in my spirit, a new Africa and new Nigeria emerging through the workings of God in the life of his season, the mighty nation of God’s people he has successfully birthed.
When Jesus was to come, John the Baptist preceded him, in the spirit of Elijah, and John acknowledge is ministry well, to “make straight the way of the lord“ now when God is about to do mind blowing heaven order of wonders in the lives of people and generation, he sends great men to walk in the apostolic office to make the crowded way straight for what is about to come, I strongly perceive that as mighty as the wonders of God is in this generation and dispensation, there are certain things God wants to do in the forth coming generation and on the account of that he had to bring mighty men like Bishop Oyedepo to train and mentor the generation to come on what God is about to do and how they can equip and prepare themselves for it.
As Zion begins to multiply and the people of God engage the ark of God’s revival that as landed on our shores, the glory of God will descend upon us as a people individual, nation and generation and it won’t just impart our spiritual system alone, but the bible talks of “Life and Godliness”, so it will impact our nation, our economy the entirety of our lives will be transformed under that cloud of glory!
The lord bless Bishop David Oyedepo!
The lord bless the winners chapel family worldwide!
The Lord bless Nigeria!
The lord blesses his people and the Christians going out for outreaches and salvation mission to see souls rescue from the devil and from hell.
The lord Bless Africa and make us a great generation that will begat his glory in this end time.
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