Praise the lord.
I have been wanting to write about this modern day general of faith and a young man of God that is coming up with fire in his bones.
Now i don't really know much about him like i would have love to; had it been as a media and online magazine we've grown so great like Wikipedia, BBC, CNN and co, i would have taken my guys with video coverage, camera, computer and other equipment t actually go to Zaria and interview him officially (but i pray, the opportunity to meet him one on one and also receive of hm, grace and honor will show up shortly).
Our God is faithful, as he as done mighty works in 1930, the days of Apostle Babalola, he's still doing wonderful great works in our own days as many that would believe this is true and believe in him by his word, shall experience the reality thereof;
So my friend told me about Apostle Joshua Selman last year, and the surprising thing right now is that if you take off to google and type the name "Apostle" It will bring first for you "Apostle Joshua Selman" this is just to tell you that, thousands of people are already searching the internet to know about this young man, God is really using him mightily and am grateful to God for speed and progress that ENI as experience over the years.
So Who is Apostle Joshua Selman?
Well, he is a young man, less than 40years old that started his walk with the lord back in the days and grew in grace and knowledge of the lord, but above all, he grew to love the lord and his kingdom dangerously, On the account of their love for God, they started fellowship and prayer meetings in school, sharing the word of God with fellow students, in a studying atmosphere not minding the consequence; from there, they begin to see the strange acts of God in their lives and meetings, God begin to move mightily among this young men, he had friends that they do go about this mission together then, as poor as they were, at times they need to borrow suit from fellow students just to be able to go and preach in a place where they are privilege to be invited and must not appear as a poor student/preacher.
After the mighty wonders of God in the campus days, God instructed Apostle Selman to settle with him, as he is going into ministry.
With this, the whole thing started and today, God is really faithful to the promises and decree he gave his servant years ago.
Now, there are quiet a lot of things that ought to be mentioned here, but most of the information we gave here were shared by apostle himself one way or the other in his sermons which we have listen to 100s of them, but there is something i want to emphasize here, i wasn't privilege to see him when he came to minister in LAUTECH, however i was fortunately to be live under his ministration in Ilorin Kwara state at "Worship n Miracles service in TLCC Tanke.
Apostle is a young man and very humble, his teachings are raw truth of the word of God, he is also a carrier of God's presence, i mean he carries a tangible and notable presence of God in his life, at least have seen that with my own eyes, the workings of God in the life of this man is not small at all.
He finished from ABU and he as been in ministry for not less than 9years, though Eternity Nertwork International (ENI) just clocked 5years in March 2016.
Let me shock you a little, do you know in Koinonia (their weekly in-gathering at ENI) there are mighty works of God that as been recorded?
The presence of God is the most tangible and notable asset in their midst, not i have not been previlege to be in Koinonia befre, but i have listen and feed from their sermons, not less than 100 sermon plus of Apostle selman.
They are spirit loaded, filled with the life of God, the spirit of truth and the revelation, healings are indeed the food of the children in koinonia, i have heard of the tetimony that happen among them, a situation where hands and leg grew out, someone was having cancer and went there, God's servant never ministered to him, just been under the prophetic an apostolic ministration of apostle, the holyspirit touched the brother and healing took place on it own, also i have heard of HIV positive becoming Negative after the encounter in Koinonia, God is really doing mind blowing work in ENI and it's indeed a place to be.
Note: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmack had his 36th birthday some few months ago; so he is 36years old as at the time of writing this article here. (2016).
Photos of Apostle Joshua Selman

I have desire to be there one of this days, yeah, i must make mention of this also; the workings of God in his servant as successful target, impact, liberate and raise young men, especially undergradtuates, there are almost no fellowship and christian in-gathering in Nigeria Tertiary institution that does not reference or regard God's servant, because his sermons are life transforming and the mighty works of God in the life of youths and christian brothers and sisters are on the increase as a result of the teachings and equiping done through God's servant - Apostle Selman Nimmack.
We bless God For his servant.
I have listen to Apostle selman over and over again, his sermon fills my PC and smartphones, you can type his name on to get any of his sermons and download them, but i will also do you good to here; click play below to listen to one of his best sermons and teaching on the mystery of the Blood of Jesus!
Much as been said alraedy, click the button above and iste to the sermon of apostle joshua selman and you will be glad you did!
Nifes in Lautech as once invited him, the encounter of that experience is still speaking in the live of them that attended it.
Apostle selman is worth inviting and he is worth listening to, he is a reality of the workings of Gd in the lives of men in our generation, and with this kind of people emerging, i can see a new John G.Lake coming, A new Benson Idahosa, a new Bishop David Oyedpeo, a new Patsor Enoch Adeboe in the making!
Just like the prophet of God prophecy in a930, Apostle Babalola that; "The reservoir of supplication i have made, God as promise that true authentic ministers of the Gospel will continually emerge in Nigeria" it is becoming a reality today.
Praise the Lord!
Ans i perceive as tme goes by, the nation of Nigeria and africa will play a major role in the influence of life and humanity but the Gospel of Jesus christ is the flight that will take us far!
Koinonia also runs a wordpress blog where they inform and update the world on what is going on at ENI, this is the last update on the blog as at the time of writing this article.
Koinonia service on the 14th of August 2015, was an unusual one because it was conducted by the School of Ministry (students), an arm of Eternity Network International. It was a rainy day as saints trooped into the auditorium in Christ Gospel Church, Samaru Zaria with joy and expectancy in their hearts. The School of Ministry students were beautiful dressed and seated at the front row of the Church, ready to dispense of the Anointing they have received.

Service started at exactly 6:00p.m with the Opening prayer by Phillip Watsai, followed by Emmanuel Stephen and then, Josiah Nwobodo. As each of them led the congregation into prayer, the spirit of supplication filled the house.

Taking off from there was the School of Ministry (S.O.M) Worship Team, as they mounted the pulpit to minister to God in Spirit and in truth. These spirit-filled vessels of God exploded the atmosphere with intense worship in songs and in words. The songs included: “We will stand and lift our hands and hail Yahweh”, “For I am Yours and You are mine”, “You are my everything” amongst others.

This ushered in Gbenga Oseke who continued in the same spirit of worship, leading the saints into a deeper realm of surrender of themselves to God. He told them, “The real state of a man can only come alive when he leaves all to follow God”. He acknowledged the presence of all in the house and encouraged them to open up their hearts regardless of the rain, as it is only a physical manifestation of the happenings in the realm of the spirit.

The Testimony session was anchored by Ojone Ruth. She informed the saints first about the importance of testimonies, saying, “It shows you are thankful to God and gives others the opportunity to partake of the blessing”; then called out the names of testifiers. A number of testimonies were shared ranging from deliverance from a motor car accident, excellent academic result, to supernatural childbirth, and many others.

Nonso Noel was the next minister on stage as he rendered a poem describing “The Exceeding Great Army” of God. It was an awe-inspiring work of art as the saints gave a standing ovation when it came to an end.

August celebrants were invited up the stage by Gift Friday. She enlightened the congregation about the prophetic significance of the 8th month (a month of new beginnings). Prophecies of freshness on every aspect of their lives were meted upon them.

It was time for the giving of Tithes and Offerings as Joel Ugwuoke read from 2 Corinthians 9:7 (Every man according as he purposed in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver). In obedience to God’s Word, the people of God jumped to their feet with smiles on and walk towards the altar to give their tithes, and then offerings to God.

School of Ministry Worship Team came on stage to initiate the people into sincere worship, for the Holy Spirit to find expression. They began by describing the magnificence of the Lord in a song; “You are an awesome wonder”, and in response to His Mighty Presence in the house, they sang, “It all belongs to You”. This ushered in a song of prophecy and they chorused, “There’s an army rising up…to break every chain!”

Emmanuel Abah, the first minister jumped on stage in the spirit of prayer, charging up the atmosphere in fluent tongues. He instructed the saints to pray: “Lord, I give You a willing and obedient heart”. After this, he welcomed everyone to this special service and went straight to the teaching on “The Call of a Kingdom Ambassador”. These are the highlights.
-It is God’s intention that the earth will be filled with His glory and power. Genesis 1:26 (And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth).
-Man was created to legislate on behalf of God on the earth in the beginning but this was lost after man sinned. Luke 4:5 (And the devil taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time).
-In the vistas of time, God began to look for men to restore His original plan for creation.
-Mark 3:13 (And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him). God began calling men and teaching them the ideologies of the Kingdom for effective legislation.
-Isaiah 6:8 (Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me). This is the Call of Kingdom Ambassadors.
He then asked the congregation to bow down their heads and pray: “Lord, I am ready, send me”.

Nsolo Oliseamaka, the second minister came on stage and began with a song: “I hear the chains falling!” She then asked the Lord to help us all to comprehend the essence of the Call. She began her message on “The Demand of the Call”. These are the highlights.
-There are two functions of a Kingdom Ambassador; Soul winning and Kingdom Advancement.
-Soul winning is bringing people to a point where they submit themselves to the Lordship of Christ and believe in His substitutionary work.
-Kingdom Advancement is every scriptural mechanism deployed to establish the rule and reign of the Kingdom of Christ in the hearts of men and to extend this influence to territories.
-The tool for Kingdom Advancement is Influence. It is a situation where the Ideologies of the Kingdom are imbibed.
-A Kingdom Ambassador is a Leader and you only become a leader through Service. The hallmark of son ship in the Kingdom is Service.
-It is demanded as a Kingdom Ambassador for you to be conformed to the person of the Christ which has been predestined from the beginning, and to understand the principles of the Kingdom.
-God has an agenda and demands our partnership for its fulfillment.
-To be conformed to God’s image, you need to receive Jesus Christ first as your Lord and Savior and then, consecrate yourself by abiding in Him in order to bear fruits. The more we behold the Lord, we become more like Him.
-In order to achieve all these, we need a baptism of fire.
She declared: “We’ll be receiving the baptism of fire this evening”. She then urged the saints to pray: “Lord, I need a rekindling of this fire”.

Yarling Ringnan mounted the pulpit, being the next to minister. She began by saying; “If there is a call and demand, there is need for adequate training and equipping”. She spoke on “The training of a Kingdom Ambassador”. These are the highlights.
-Training is the core of the Call which enables us to be equipped in order to become Kingdom Ambassadors.
-The place of training is where potentials are discovered and developed.
-There can be no training without separation. Separation is necessary in order to be distinct from the perspectives and philosophy of this world. 2 Timothy 2:3-4 (Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier). No Kingdom Ambassador should entangle himself with the affairs of this life.
-You are allowed to make mistakes in the place of training. In the battlefield, you will pay dearly for any mistake made.
-Our lives must first reflect the Kingdom we seek to represent.
-In the place of training, God opens our hearts and reveals our tendencies to us, initiating us further to the mindset of heaven; the modus operandi of the Kingdom of Heaven.
-The place of training births certain things:
1. Discipline: God brings you to a place of surrender and humility. Discipline in trusting God and no one else. In the place of discipline, you acquire knowledge and equip your inner man. Discipline teaches accountability, reliability and contentment. The place of discipline teaches us to guard our mouths.
2. Strategies: This is where ideas are birthed. Details are given in all that God wants you to do.
3. Mindsets and Ideologies are shaped and reviewed. Mindsets are doorways that permit the operation of the Holy Spirit or demon spirits. God instills the culture of heaven in you as you permit His operation in your mind.
4. Spiritual packaging: In this stage, your ignorance will cost dearly. You have to make God’s Word to come alive personally to you. The Keyword in this stage is Patience. Romans 12:12 (Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer).
She then led the people into prayer, receiving grace and strength to endure the training process.

The next minister of God was Gbenga Oseke and he spoke on the “Unleashing and Manifestation of Kingdom Ambassadors”. These are the highlights.
-Under this apostolic cloud, God is training us by transforming our mindsets into that of the Kingdoms’.
-This atmosphere is meant to raise men beyond the walls of Church, extended to the systems of the world.
Things needed for an outstanding Kingdom Ambassador.
1. Spiritual Empowerment: Before anyone was sent in Scripture, an empowerment by God was given.
2. Intellectual Empowerment: This is the development of your mind. Acts 7:22 (And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and mighty in words and in deed). You develop your mind by acquiring skills through reading of relevant literatures.
3. Character Empowerment: Character bankruptcy terminates destinies.
4. Bodily Empowerment: Hebrews 10:5 (Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me) Regardless of the vision God has shown you in the secret place, you have to possess a body prepared for its manifestation.
-The goal of this apostolic and prophetic gathering is to bring out the General in you.
Prayer points.
1. Lord, empower me spiritually.
2. Release upon me the spirit of the fear of the Lord.
3. Release upon me the spirit of diligence to meet all the demands as a Kingdom Ambassador.
He then requested that anyone who was sick in the body should lay hands on that part of the body and pray: Lord, release upon me the spirit of might.

Akafi Gloria came on stage and invited the set-man of the house; Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak to pray for all persons writing the upcoming POST UTME examination. The spirit of fear was cursed and blessings were proclaimed upon them. Announcements were made by Akafi Gloria and all first time worshippers were acknowledged and celebrated. The meeting came to an end at 9:39p.m, and we glorify God for its success.

Men, women and children; hungry for an experience with God were gathered at Christ Gospel Church for the first service for the year 2016. Setting off the meeting by 6:00p.m was Gbenga Oseke who warmly welcomed the saints, declaring: “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord”.

Resounding praises to Jesus were proclaimed by Koinonia Worship Team even as they led the congregation in songs ranging from: “What shall we say unto the Lord? All we have to say is thank You Lord to We go dey hail, hail Your Name, I just want to thank You Lord” amongst some others

Pastor Meshach Alfa exhorted the house of Koinonia, stressing that believing in the Prophet for establishment is paramount and advantageous to the Church this year. He informed the congregation of God’s strategic building of His saints throughout the years and the need for alignment.
Testimony Session was anchored by David Dam. Awe-inspiring testimonies were shared, amongst which were: Deliverance from a motor car accident, safe delivery of a child, gift of admission into the University, academic exploits. The Name of God was exalted above every other.

Folasade Ojeleye gracefully came up the stage and invited all January celebrants to be prayed upon. After which they cut their cake and were appreciated by the congregation.
It was time to honor the Lord substantially in the giving of Tithes, Offerings and Seeds. Promise Odion prayed for the givers as they gave in faith and expectation.

A sweet smelling savor of worship was offered unto the Lord by the Worship Team as they acknowledged His sovereignty, singing: “For You alone are God, for You are God alone”.
This ushered in the servant of God, Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak as he prophetically began to expound on the Prophetic Word for the year; Multiplied Grace and Influence

These are the highlights of the message:
-God gives revelation as light to signify His works and we ought to learn how to align ourselves accurately.
He read texts of the Scripture, taking us further in the teaching: Genesis 1:14-25, Habakkuk 2:1-2, Ezekiel 47:2-5, 9. Then he challenged the saints saying: “Compared to what God wants to do in our lives this year, all we’ve witnessed are shadows. Make up your mind not to be logical and calculative about how these words will come to pass”.
-Grace speaks of: access, God’s ability, God’s Anointing, a force that compels results.
-Grace can be increased and multiplied. There is always more in God.
-When grace multiplies in a thing, everything multiplies to that effect. This is a season where God seeks to multiply every supernatural thing.
-Influence is the ability to compel the ideology of a man, people or territory, towards a particular direction without the use of force.
-The key to Kingdom Advancement is Influence; bringing a territory to conform to a particular understanding.
-The key to taking over the world is to create a prototype of your ideology in a territory and this becomes a template by which you will influence other territories. (Micah 4:1-2, Isaiah 60:1-3)
-This year is a glorious one for the Church. Refuse to make any declaration that is against the agenda of God.
-This is the year you must take your relationship with God seriously. God speaks according to His ability to bring His Word to pass.
In this season, God will be granting:
- Supernatural access to a depth of revelation
- Greater levels of the Anointing
- Access to people
- Access to resources
- Access to opportunities to the end that we will birth greater levels of salvation, encounters, transformation and revivals.
- Spiritual Growth (Luke 18:1): Increase in passion for God, and for His house. The foundation of the prophetic word is hinged upon your spiritual growth. In God’s Presence, you get everything you need; this is the year you will invest in His Presence.
- Mental Transition (Romans 12:2): The quality of a man’s life is at the mercy of his mindsets. Focus on sustaining a renewed and conformed life. Stay and insist on believing God’s Word.
- Health (1 Corinthians 6:12-20): Have a balanced life. Eliminate all forms of laziness but with a balance of taking care of your body.
- Finances (Deuteronomy 29:9): Keep God’s Word in your heart and practice them.
- Set clear financial goals and work with the Holy Spirit to achieve them
- Master the laws that govern the law of favor and abundance. Listen to teachings on finances.
- Tithing
- Seed sowing
- Kingdom investments
- Relationships: Invest in godly relationships, it will give you things money cannot buy. The key to maintaining relationships is honor and friendliness.
- The Law of Encounter (press for His Presence). Seek God and become addicted to Him (Jeremiah 29:13)
- The Law of Honor (Hebrews 7:7): Every dimension in God you desire is someone else’s current existence. Honor you way into unbelievable dimensions of God. The principal way to honor is to esteem a man’s person and office.
-Lord, I receive Your Word and I will run with it.
-Lord, make me addicted to Your Presence like never before.
-This year is a year of visible, tangible results in my life
-Lord, connect me with influential relationships across different strata.
Prophetic Declarations
-Uncommon access to people, favor, supernatural revelation and understanding.
-Receive grace to produce results.
Recommended Teachings
-Activating Breakthrough; Ministry of Destiny Helpers (2013)
-Activating Seasons of Greatness (2014)
An altar call was made unto Salvation and first time worshipers were acknowledged. The meeting rounded off successfully immediately afterwards, as the grace in fellowship was shared.
Get more details about Apostle Joshua Selman and ENI at KoinoniaBlog
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Nice one
ReplyDeleteMy great desire is to get in partnership with these men of impact. How do I get close to them? My life has been blessed daily through this vessel of God. Thanks.