Sunday 13 September 2015

Accessing Heaven's Order of Financial Fortune by Divine Favor - Bishop Oyedepo Sermon


Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof. So the heathen shall fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth thy glory (Psalms 102:13-15).
We understand from scriptures that favour is the mother of all fortune, financial fortune inclusive. For instance, after 430 years of servitude, poverty, lack and want, God transferred the wealth of Egypt to the Israelites by divine favour. As it is written: And the Lord gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians (Exodus 12:36; see also Exodus 3:21).
It is important to understand that nothing makes a high flyer in the Kingdom like favour. For instance, it was favour that distinguished Joseph in Potiphar’s house and Potiphar made him lord over all that he had. It was that same favour that made Joseph an official in the prison where he was an inmate. Furthermore, it was favour that promoted him to the palace. Daniel also found favour with the chief eunuch and that opened up his destiny. Furthermore, David also found favour in the sight of the Lord. He said: Lord, by thy favour thou hast made my mountain to stand strong… (Psalms 30:7; see also Genesis 39:5, 21; Daniel 1:9).
That is how powerful favour is, as it will launch anyone into realms of financial dominion, among others.
But, what is in divine favour?
  • Divine favour promotes: Divine favour engenders supernatural promotion. This was exemplified in the life of Joseph, as he experienced multiple change of levels until he got to the palace. Favour is a promoter and it changes people’s level supernaturally(Genesis 39:5, 21).
  • It triggers breakthroughs: Concerning Israel, the Bible says: For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a favour unto them (Psalms 44:3; see also Isaiah 54:1-4).
  • It releases miracle marriage: It is written: Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord (Proverbs 18:22).
  • It releases miracle babies: It was said of Mary: “Thou art highly favoured among women” and by that, the laws of nature were suspended and she brought forth the miracle child, Jesus (Luke 1:26-32).
  • It releases miracle jobs (Matthew 20:1-6).
  • Favour saves (Ephesians 1:3, 2:5).
  • It defends (Job 1:8-9; Zechariah 2:8).
  • It makes great (1 Corinthians 15:10).
However, salvation is a fundamental requirement for walking in divine favour. This is because anyone who is not born again is considered spiritually dead and dead men do not require favour. Therefore, until a man is born again, he is not a candidate for favour. It is written:
For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield(Psalms 5:12).
At redemption, we became the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and divine favour only pertains to the redeemed. Thus, the above scripture can be read as: The Lord shall compass the redeemed about with favour as with a shield (see also 2 Corinthians 5:21).
Erroneously, the Church of Christ has interpreted grace to be unmerited favour and that is why many people never experience favour. It is important to know that ‘grace’ simply means divine favour and only the grace (favour) of salvation is unmerited. This is because sin is inherent in the human nature and the sinless Saviour (Jesus) delivered us from it by His Blood. As it is written: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8; see also Titus 2:11).
Therefore, the favour of salvation is the only free favour that we have from God. Every other form of favour we require, will only be released on the basis of meeting the conditions for them. For instance, all dimensions of life-transforming and level-changing favour will require the following channels:
Addiction to Kingdom promotion: We discover from scriptures that serving God’s interests on the earth is our launching pad into a world of unlimited favour. It is written: If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures (Job 36:11 see also Exodus 23:25-26; 1 Chronicles 29:3-6; Psalms 102:13-15).
That means as we serve the interest of God’s Kingdom on the earth and engage in Kingdom advancement endeavours, we commit God to lavish us with continuous favour in return.
We must note that all-round favour is only accessible through love-motivated, love-inspired and delightsome service. This is because the more our investment towards Kingdom advancement, the larger our financial coast.
Proven love for God: We must recognize that though redemption qualifies us to walk in favour, it is the love of God at work in us that launches us into its reality. When we are truly in love with God, we manifest divinity which is the realm of unquestionable dominion. It is written:
And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him (1 John 4:16).
When our love for God is perfected, we become divinity personified and we are filled with all the fullness of God. This makes us an embodiment of favour. That is why every man in love with God is a candidate for His favour. As it is written: Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him (1 Corinthians 2:9).
Solomon’s love for God launched him into the realm of heaven’s order of financial fortune. That is, it was his love for God that qualified him for favour; it was not demanded (1 Kings 3:3-4, 12-13).

As we maintain our love for God with proofs, we keep flowing in favour. It is impossible to be a genuine lover of God and lack favour because it is the portion of every of His lovers. However, the Bible admonishes us not just to love in words but in deed and in truth. Thus, when our love for God is proven, we become candidates for His favour and walk in it without sweat (I John 3:18).
The giving channel: This is a vital channel for provoking the release of divine favour and walking in it. Most people do not give because they lack a giving heart, not because they require what to give. We must understand that givers never run out of favour. Remember the Bible says: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again (Luke 6:38; see also Psalms 45:12; Proverbs 3:9-10, 11:25, 28:27).
It is also important to note that the favour that engenders financial fortune answers to tithing. If we are not excited, delighted and tireless tithers, we are not candidates for the favour that engenders financial fortune, all other things we give notwithstanding (Malachi 3:10-12).
The prayer channel: Kingdom advancement prayer is one of the scriptural channels for walking in divine favour. It is written: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33; see also 1 Chronicles 4:9-10; Esther 4 & 5 Hebrews 4:16).
When God told Solomon to ask for whatever he desired, his answer was a Kingdom-based prayer and God rewarded him with more than what he demanded. That simply connotes an addition. In other words, when we engage in Kingdom advancement prayers, we provoke God to add to us things that we did not ask for. Moreover, a genuine commitment to the advancement of the Kingdom commits God to take over our issues, which makes the journey of life stress free (1 Kings 3:5-9, 12-13).
Keeping company with the favoured: The company we keep determines what accompanies us. For instance, when Lot went with Abraham, the favour of God on Abraham rubbed off on him. Remember the Bible says that he that walks with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. That means he that walks with the favoured shall also be favoured (Genesis 13:5; Proverbs 13:20).
The godliness channel: It is impossible to flow in favour without the fear of God, which also means godliness. Joseph knew no sin, so he became a candidate for divine favour. Daniel refused to defile himself and as a result, he enjoyed divine favour. His accusers couldn’t find anything against him, except against the law of His God (Genesis 39:9; Psalms 5:12, 1:1-6; Daniel 1:8, 6:5; Romans 6:1).
However, to enjoy continuous flow of favour, we must be planted in the house of God. This is because everyone who is truly planted in God’s house flourishes without sweat. As it is written: The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God (Psalms 92:12-13; see also Psalms 84:1, 10, 122:1).
It is also important to understand that every true member of God’s household is supernaturally provided for by God. That is why when we love and abide in the house of God, we are empowered to prosper. Moreover, the showers of blessings are ordained to keep falling on us as we are planted in the house of God. Therefore, we must remain positioned and planted in God’s house to keep flowing in His favour (Psalms 132:13-15; Ezekiel 34:25-26; Obadiah 1:17; Ephesians 2:19; 1 Timothy 5:8).
We must recognize that nothing creates and sustains a future like favour and no destiny will ever be greater than the grace of God at work in that destiny. Everyone is qualified to flow in divine favour, if only we take responsibility. This is because God is not a respecter of persons; what He does for one, He will do for another (Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11). Therefore, as you take personal responsibility to engender divine favour, everything that favour offers becomes your portion in Jesus’ name! Remain ever blessed!
Jesus is Lord!
Prophetic Blessings!
  • Today marks the end of every form of misfortune in your life!
  • That dry season in your life ends now in Jesus’ name!
  • From now, everything about you begins to depict favour!
  • Between now and Shiloh 2015, you will be translated by divine favour!
  • By divine favour, your business and career change level!
  • Every marital misfortune is averted!
  • I declare you a highly favoured personality!
  • You will walk into unimaginable greatness!
  • This week, your miracle is established in Jesus’ name!


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