Wednesday 9 September 2015

Details on Operation Rescue 2015 - Winners Worldwide, Read n Share

"And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.”... Jude 1:22-23
The God of Wonder-Double has come to tabernacle with us as a church and we must stay awake spiritually to take full advantage of this divine visitation for our supernatural change of position both as individuals and as a church.

When God came down to Egypt, He did not only come to bring them out of bondage but also brought them into the land of promise, the land flowing with milk and honey. Their 40-year sojourn in the wilderness was indeed a time of Heaven on Earth adventure - Deut. 6:23

For example:
They did not need the light of the sun or the moon or candle; they had the pillar of cloud as light by day and the pillar of fire by night - Ex.13:21/Rev.22:5
¨       They were supernaturally fed on two meals a day without ploughing, planting or harvesting – Deut.8:6/ LK.22:29-30
¨       They enjoyed supernatural health – Ex. 15:26/ Deut.8:4/ Rev.21:4
¨       They enjoyed prosperity by the supernatural transfer of the wealth of Egypt to them –Ex.12:35-36/ Rev.21:10-11/21
¨       They commanded dominion all through their journey – Deut. 2:25/ Deut.11:25

In the same vein, this ongoing divine visitation is ordained to launch us into the realms of Heaven on Earth both as a church and as individuals. This is because Heaven on Earth is God’s ‘promised land’ for us as a commission this year.
Therefore, every Winner must strive to enter into this realm by engaging actively in the prophetic life-line of Matthew 6:33 until it becomes the lifestyle of everyone f us, that is, seeking first the interests of the kingdom of God on earth so that everything that others are dying to get shall be added to us.

Jesus Christ, in one of the parables, spoke about a king that made a great feast and invited many and when all was set:
¨       He sent his servant to go and say to them that were invited that the feast was set, but one after the other, they gave excuses to the end that they would not be able to come.
¨       When his servant told him about the negative responses, the master of the house said to him to go to the streets and lanes of the city and bring in the poor, the maimed, the halt and the blind for the feast. But after this was done, this servant said to his master that he has done all that was commanded and yet there is room

¨       Then he said to his servant the third time, “go to the highways and the hedges and compel them to come that the house may be filled.” – Lk.14:16-23
You will discover from this parable that the said servant went three times before the house was filled. This implied that ‘once is not enough’, and until there is no more room in the church, we must continue to invite, to bring and to compel men and women to come into the kingdom and s many as are ordained to eternal life shall respond as we compel them by love, faith, wisdom and intense prayers and intercessions.

In addition, from the testimony of David Yonggi Cho, the pastor of the reputed largest church congregation in the world, in his book titled, ‘Ministering Hope for 50 Years,’ Yonggi Cho wrote on how God taught him to be specific in his prayer for church growth. As a result, the church grew twice in attendance in two consecutive years, that is 1962 1963. Also, in response to his prayers, by the third year, the church grew four times in membership, that is, from 600 in 1963 to 2,400 in 1964!!
From the above testimony, we discover that it is not enough to pray and fast for church growth. We must be specific in our demands for growth. We did that in the first phase of the wonder-double prophetic agenda of June and July, and God honoured His word as a number of our churches even exceeded the 100% prophetic benchmark, to the glory of God.

In the light of the above, we shall again be invading our various territories with the two ever-winning forces of church growth, that is, the combined forces of prayer and reaching out to the lost.
We recognize that prayer and fasting constitutes the power house of supernatural church growth. In fact, a whole nation can be redeemed at once into the kingdom though the force of prayer and fasting – Is.66:7-8.
The truth is, we must reach out to the lost but the going will be only be fruitful through prayers, as it is written; “so that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together”Jn.4:35-36
We sow spiritual seeds in prayers and we reap the harvest through soul-winning endeavours.

We recognize that multitudes are still in the valley of decision in our various territories, held hostage by the powers of darkness, some of which may never let go except by prayer and fasting – Joel 3:13-14/ Matt.17:20-21

In the light of the above, a 7-day prayer and fasting is hereby proclaimed fromMonday 7th – Sunday 13th September, 2015.
We should also be reminded that apart from the explosive church growth results that this proclaimed fast will generate, it is also a platform for the empowerment of the believer into next levels, which is key to commanding supernatural breakthroughs in our lives – Acts 2:1-4/ Acts 4:23-33/ Is.45:1-3
But while the prayer goes up, the sickles must at the same time, be engaged to bring home the harvest and this is why we are going all out on a rescue mission to the multitudes that are in the valley of decision, who are heading for destruction without knowing. This is in line with the biblical directive: “And of some have compassion, making a difference: And of others save with fear, PULLING THEM OUT OF THE FIRE; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.” – Jude 1:22-23
Therefore, by the leading of the Holy Spirit and to the glory of God, we hereby flag off the second phase of the Wonder-Double Prophetic Agenda for the year tagged:‘Operation Rescue 2015’ from Monday 7th September – Sunday 25th October 2015.

Therefore, in the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, who is the Lord of the harvest, every local assembly in this Commission shall experience another supernatural wave of church growth so that within these Prophetic 7 weeks, that is, by Sunday 25th October 2015, every church in this commission shall be minimum double the August average Sunday attendance.
It shall be a holy invasion indeed across our various harvest fields, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen and amen.

Jesus is Lord.

David O. Oyedepo


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