Sunday 13 September 2015

Divine Insight Yielding Wealth gotten from God's Presence

Julius was reading his bible one day when an idea hit him; Julius studied agriculture in school but he had not been able to get a job. Julius discovered that certain plants could grow in the desert and if these plants were transplanted, deserts all over the world could become green.
Julius had no idea how big his discovery was until he approached his uncle who was a permanent secretary in the ministry of agriculture.

 In 24 hours, Julius' life had changed, governments all over the world wanted him to come and work with them, he had become a celebrity.
Beloved, there is privileged information in the presence of God. Whenever you are praying and reading your bible, God is downloading major things into your life! Every idea I ever got came in the presence of God, it was either while praying, reading my bible or listening in church. There is money in the presence of God!
The bible says in Isaiah 45:3 (NLT) And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness--secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name.
God wants to reveal money secrets to you, He wants to give you ideas that will bring the finances you have been praying about. God's presence is much more beneficial than the presence of President Obama or President Buhari. May God give us the grace to continually stay in His presence.
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