Monday 7 September 2015

Prayer and Wisdom for "Ember Months" Fight in The Heavenlies

We are in the "ember months" which some folks tends to believe its a dangerous and wicked month when witches and all of them does all their wickedness, well there are ways to fight battles in time and season like this, the scripture says - "we are made to sit together with christ in the heavenly places far above all principalities and powers", so in time like this you are expected to disconnect from the flesh, enter into the realm of the spirit and do the battle warfare in the heaven-lies, look down on earth and see all the powers or darkness and principalities of this world and deal with them all.

An eagle does not fight a snake on the ground. It picks it up and changes grounds, then releases it back to the ground.

A snake has no stamina, no power, no balance in the air. It is useless, weak and vulnerable unlike on the ground where it is deadly, wise and powerful.

Take your fight to the spirit realm and when you are in the spiritual realm God takes charge.

Don't fight in the physical realm change grounds like an eagle.
You will be assured of a clean uncontested victory.

This is my advise for you today as you get ready to usher into a challenging time of the year.

May God guide and protect us in Jesus' name.

Please share with others.


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