Saturday 24 October 2015

THANKSGIVING : Gateway to Fulfillment of Prophecy - Memo from Bishop Oyedepo


From: President, Winners CHapel International
To: All Mission Stations


Date: 20th October, 2015

Heaven on Earth greetings in Jesus’ name.
Thanksgiving is obviously one of the vital mysteries of the kingdom. It is a requirement for the completion of the covenant cycle of answered prayers. As it is written: “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” – that means until we give thanks, the covenant cycle of answered prayer is not completed - Phi. 4:6
This is why, when we give thanks for what God has done, we are simply reminding Him of what remains.
Moreover, Jesus, among other things, came to fulfill prophecies concerning Himself as the Messiah – Matt. 5:17
But we saw thanksgiving as His lifestyle. It therefore follows that thanksgiving is a vital key to experiencing fulfillment of prophecy, because the secret of men are in their story – Heb. 6:12
On the other hand, a number of striking miracles in the ministry of Christ was triggered by thanksgiving.
For example, in the miracle of feeding 5,000, we saw how Jesus lifted up the five loaves and two fishes in thanksgiving, which act reminded God of what remained, and we saw how the bread multiplied supernaturally, feeding an estimated number of 10,000 men,women and children, with twelve basket-full fragment as leftover – Jn 6:6-11
Secondly, we saw how Jesus, at the tomb of Lazarus, lifted up His eyes unto heaven and gave thanks, saying, “Father, I thank you for you have heard me. And I know that you hear me always”– Jn 11:41-42
By giving thanks to God for the answered prayers of the past, He simply reminded the Father of the answer that remains, that is, raising Lazarus, who was dead and already stinking back to life and God did exactly that.
Thirdly, we saw how ten lepers came to Christ, and He said unto them go and show yourselves to the priest, that you are now cleansed. That was a prophetic word. But while on their way going, one of them saw that he was cleansed and he immediately returned to give glory to God. Then Christ asked the question “Were there not ten cleansed?” which implies that all of them were cleansed. “But where are the nine?”Jesus then said unto him,“Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.”- Luk 17:17-19
This one leper, by giving God thanks for his cleansing, reminded God of his need for wholeness and he was made whole.

Therefore, to see prophecies fulfilled, we must consciously give God thanks for every stage towards its full delivery, thereby reminding God of what part(s) remains. This is why the Word commands us to give thanks in everything or at every stage, ‘for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us.’Indeed, thanksgiving is a mystery for reminding God of what remains on any issue of interest in our lives.- 1 Thess. 5:18
Furthermore, if thanksgiving is the will of God, and that, until we have done the will of God we cannot obtain the promise, which implies, we cannot see prophecies (promises) wholly fulfilled without thanksgiving – Heb. 10:36
Therefore, if we must see prophecy fulfilled, we must engage in intensive and extensive thanksgiving.
To this end, intense thanksgiving must commence in earnest towards the full delivery of the phase 2 of the Wonder Double Prophetic Agenda, tagged, ‘Operation Rescue 2015’ by next Sunday, 25th October, 2015.
We are admonished to turn all the prayer items on Operation Rescue prayer guideline into thanksgiving items, both as a church and as individuals, because the same rule applies to all of us on the line for the full delivery of the Winners’ Personalized Prophetic Declaration.
Without any doubt, as a church, where we are today in the pursuit of this prophetic agenda is a clear proof of fulfillment of prophecy. Therefore, to see the balance delivered, we must commit to intense thanksgiving unto the God of all increases, whose faithfulness is forevermore.
To God alone be all the glory.
Remain ever blessed.
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo.


a) This Epistle to be read during the Midweek service tomorrow immediately before testimony session by cutting off prayer items no 6.
b) While the Epistle on ‘Wonders of in gathering of souls into Church’ is also be read in replacement of the praise session between the prayer items, that is, before prayer item no 4.
c) Where deemed necessary and possible, these Epistles could be printed for circulation against Wednesday Midweek service.

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