Saturday 28 November 2015

'Be fervent in The Spirit' Sermon by Kemi Oyedepo

Topic: Be Fervent in Spirit

I always knew that the responsibilities that come with being a woman were enormous. However, it made no difference to me until I became a wife, a mother, and worked outside of the home.

Phew..that’s when I knew it was serious business – I am sure you ladies out there know what I am talking about. If care is not taken, it can shock you, overwhelm you, or even wear you out…. naturally. I had seen other women handle their various responsibilities but I truly felt the pressure when I left my single days behind and my various responsibilities expanded. Women wear so many hats…. wife, mother, family manager, accountant, lawyer, etc.,…that is A LOT of work!

But that’s the story of a woman’s life. 
One thing I have learnt though, is to never complain about the various things I have to do. 
My husband often says that “where you are is someone else’s prayer point“, and that statement has been more than enough to keep me in check. 
I also believe that we ladies have a very special place in God’s heart. 
I mean it’s such a privilege for Him to give us all these responsibilities; I always remind myself that it’s because He knows we can handle it, and many of us do it so flawlessly by His grace.

I want to encourage you as a woman, more importantly, as a Value Adding Woman, never to see your roles as a burden but as a privilege. It has shown me that God knows the strength that we ladies posses.

 How won’t He? 

After all, He created us, right? 

People often ask me how I manage to balance a lot of what I do, and I always tell them it comes down to the state of my spirit.

 That’s something I don’t joke with because that is what keeps me going, no matter how tired I may feel. To be effective in all the different things we have to do, the state of our spirits is of utmost importance. 

The bible tells us to be fervent in spirit (Romans 12:11). To be fervent means to have a burning intensity for something. It means to build yourself up continuously in the Spirit. Why? Because when the spirit is alive, the body has not choice but to follow suit, even when naturally you are tired. Be determined to grow spiritually and it will help you handle all your roles effortlessly.

Don’t let a day go by without studying the Word of God, and praying, especially in the Spirit. Don’t put pressure on yourself; do what works for you and then you’ll keep growing. Its important to do everything joyfully too, don’t get weary in doing well (Galatians 6:9), and don’t hang around those who try to make you see your various roles as a burden. Surround yourself with those who help you grow spiritually, and otherwise. Rest when you need to, because the human body does need to rest and recuperate but I can assure you that as long as your spirit is alive, you will be just fine. The bible also tells us that it’s the spirit of a man that sustains his infirmity, but a wounded spirit, who can bear? (Proverbs 18:14).  Women are the live-wire who keeps the family affairs going, and guess what? The enemy knows this, so he would try to bring you down. Proverbs 17:22 also tells us that a crushed spirit dries the bones. So do not let your spirit be crushed for a second.

Keep reminding yourself that God has fully equipped you for all your assignments, and be determined to keep your spirit tempo up. That is what will sustain you in the long run! - See more at:


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