Thursday 26 November 2015

Daily Devotional "No More Delay" by Pst Faith Oyedepo


DAILY DEVOTIONAL- Pst. Faith Oyedepo

NOVEMBER 26, 2015

No More Delay
“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”
-Matthew 6:12-
Sometime ago, a young lady came to me for counselling. She spoke at length, and at the end of it all, I discovered that her character and reactions were strongly influenced by the grudge she had towards her father.

 She was born out of wedlock, and her father behaved badly towards her mother. 
That made her embittered against the male gender. I made her realise that she needed to let go of the hurt she felt, if God must open a new chapter for her.

In the same vein, so many people have carried such grudges for many years, and therefore made it impossible for them to see any good in anyone or the society. 

Some even feel that way towards God. I can understand that your experiences may have been traumatic, but if you do not let go of them, you will still remain entrapped by the past.

When you learn to free yourself from offences, you allow the wound to heal and in many cases, the scars to go away with it. Forgiveness is a commandment from God, and it paves a way for your forgiveness also. 

Everyone who expects a gift must be ready to open his/her palms wide to receive. 

If you still hold tight to whatever painful past you have, there will be no room to receive the newness God has arranged for you (Isaiah 43:18-19).

You don’t need to remain in the prison of your past pains and you cannot continue to pray for a miracle when you have not handled the root cause of your delay. 

Some people are just a step closer to their miracle, if only they could forgive themselves and their offenders. 

So, stop looking backwards and stretch forth your arms to the healing grace of your Father. Your hour for a miracle is now!

Remain Blessed!


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