Tuesday 10 November 2015

I celebrated my Birthday on Sunday, Few Lessons from walking with God

Praise the Lord! Hallellujah.

Our God is faithful, I bless God for his mercy and grace, as he bestow upon me so much favor and grace, and i am a living testimony of his love unto man.

On sunday 8th of November i added another new year, and i give God the praise for the life have lived so far in the past years, its all been God's glory, covering me and showing himself faithful unto me, i have been walking with God faithfully for more than 10years now and he as not stop[ been good and merciful unto me, i really give God the glory.

His love as been shared abroad in my heart.

So Who am I ?

 I am Akanni Tolulope Matthew.


I am the owner of this Blog and have been updating all the information you can find n this blog, its a christian and gospel blog to help you get closer to the lord and edify you through all the messages, sermons, epistles that we have been sharing and am sure it as been blessing you. 

I just consider it as the only way i can still reach out to my fellow saved and unsaved people around the world and express the grace, love and mercy of the almighty God and his power to deliver and save.

God is love!
He loves me and love you, he loves the whole world and that is why he as given his only begotten son that whosoever believes, will not perish but experience a life beyond limit, an eternal life, an everlasting life, an incorruptible life.

My experience following God as shown me and as proven to me that loving God empowers man for wealth, i have been following some God's general this year and trust me this men have been a great blessing to my Life.
You can check them out here.

Of a truth, according to God's servant The archbishop benson idahosa; he says every child of God that desires to get out of Egypt must have a Moses' God as bless me with some moses and even thugh i have not meet them face to face, they are still a great blessing to me through their sermons.

So you can drop your birthday wishes for me, i am still in birthday month.

If you wanna reach me with your prayers or gifts, you can do so by dialing - 07066784204.

God bless you.


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