Friday 27 November 2015

Jesus Appears To 200 Thousand Muslims At Once In T.L. Osborn Crusade

“He was seen of above five hundred brethren at once”  (1 Cor 15:6)

Who Said He Couldn’t Appear To This Many People At One Time-
 He Did It Yesterday And He’s Now Doing It Again Today
 TL Osborn   To confirm this, there’s another story that has inspired me for years!   In 1956, T.L. Osborn was doing a metting before an audience of 200,000 people who were all Muslims, in Darkotr, Java.  When all of a sudden Jesus appeared notably over the whole crowd in a cloud.  Everyone saw His face and glory and got saved giving their lives and hearts to Jesus!  Tremendous!  What makes this story more awesome is that these who saw this with photography equipment, took pictures where you actually see Jesus face on the pictures when the Lord appeared.  I saw first saw this picture when I read a book T.L. Osborn wrote called “Healing the Sick”. You see the picture where Jesus appeared openly in front of two hundred thousand Muslims.  This is what America is about to see and we are starting to experience it in it’s shallow beginning. 
Miracles As The Result of Jesus Resurrection
And Appearance
TL Osborn Crusade
TL Osborn Crusade
T.L. Osborn CrusadeT.L. Osborn Crusade

 This is the write up that was recorded by the newspapers when Jesus appeared to the masses during the T.L. Osborn Crusade

In almost every service during the Java Campaigns, someone saw the Lord.
This might seem superficial, except for one fact: The Moslem people believe that Jesus is dead!
According to Scripture, that was the attitude of the people in the Holy Land after Christ’s resurrection.
To prove them that He was God’s Son, and that death could not hold Him, it is written that “He shewed Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them” (Acts 1:3).
Having established the fact of His resurrection, thousands of the people believed on Him and became His followers (Acts 4:4)
So it was in Java where the Moslem religion had held sway for centuries.  Night after night, Christ  “shewed Himself alive… being seen by of (the people)”.  Thus confirming the Gospel preached, the living Christ was received in faith by tens of thousands who heard the Gospel and saw it confirmed by “signs following”.

Osborn news clipping


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