Tuesday, 15 December 2015

God's Warning To The United State Leaders' America Needs God!


PSALM 2 :1-12 
1. why do the heathen rage ,and the people image a vain thing ?
2. The kings of the earth set themselves , and the rulers take counsel together , against The Lord ,and against his anointed saying ,
3. Let us break their bands asunder ,and cast away there cords from us .
4. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh : the Lord shall have them in derision .
5. Then He shall speak unto them in his wrath ,and vex them in his sore displeasure .
6. Yet have I set my King on the my holy hill of Zion .
7. I will declare thee : the Lord hath said unto me , Thou art my son ; this day I begotten thee .
8. Ask of me , and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance ,and the utter most parts of the earth for thy possession .
9. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron ; dash them to pieces like a potters vessel .
10. Be wise now therefore , O ye kings :be instructed , ye judges of the earth .
11. Serve the Lord with fear ,and rejoice with trembling .
12. Kiss the Son , lest he be angry , and ye perish from the way ,when his wrath is kindled ,but a little .
NOW ,David was talking about kings and leaders who set them selves up above God and are not if we have leaders and judges or whoever over a country or nation and doesn't believe in God we should put them away from us and find ones who serve the Lord with fear and rejoice him with trembling !
The old testament is a prophecy of the new testament !
Now David was speaking back then to those kings judges or leaders that they need to serve and trust God or face his wrath and all who follow them , man doesn't this come todays leaders and judges and kings and presidents , they promise to do what we want and need ,but as soon as they are in office they set themselves up above God , and our president and judges , and other nation kings and leaders have set there self above God , they are throwing God out of America and every where else ,and we all see this coming ,being played out right before our very eyes ,if you don't see it your blind and deaf to Gods word !
Our president and judges are breaking laws singing papers making up laws as they go alone to over rule us and trying to Kick God out of our lives our country America and every other nation and there making Gods laws and his anointed sayings immoral , and half the people are cheering them on so they can use the excuse lord you say obey the laws of the land . there want be any excuse on judgement day for anyone !
President ,kings ,judges , congress , who ever they are that kicking God out of this world and changing the gospel to suit there sins and all who follow them ! SIN IS GODS ENEMY AND ALL THOSE WHO LIVE IN IT AND SUPPORT IT !
OUR leaders made it law for man to sleep with man ,and woman to sleep with woman !
They made murder law !
They made it OK to lie and steal period !
First of all when someone has a abortion to kill a baby , God says thou shalt not murder !.
They make it law and call it planned parenthood !
Then they maid a law called the Robin Hood affect on paper for those who want work we will tax the ones who work to give you free money !
Now God law says if you don't work you don't eat !
God also says thou shalt not steal from anyone !
God said its against nature for man to sleep with man and woman with woman !
Man says your are born that way your a man trap in a woman's body !
God says your made in the image of him !
Our presidents ,kings , judges ,congressman all leaders are saying its OK to sin , let's all be happy here and all go to hell !
God loves us so much even after the stupid sin we committed and still do , He sent his son to die to set us free from sin , free to choose him its up to the individual person to that , no one can make them !
But anyway , God did send his son for us to choose and when all who choose him confessed and believed / committed to him and he said if we are not of this world , the world would hate us persecute us kill us !
Look at what they did to Jesus and he did nothing to know one God give us away out of the dark world of tribulation , so we could have eternal life ! So if we are of God we will suffer persecution now and overcome the world thru him as he did and be happy for ever !
And to all the leaders, kings , presidents ,judges ,Congress , church's and preachers who ever promote sin and lives in it and set there selves above God , you can also Neal confess and believe , and committ to Jesus as your personal Savior and live eternal life ,instead of your way be happy now and live in eternal damnation ! God loves you to he sent his son to die for all who sin to set all free from sin !
We love you all Pastor Bobby Bennett !
Just wanted all you leaders who change Gods word and laws to your laws and sinful ways , that you all have the same choice if all those who made God there personal savior and Lord !
Pastor Bobby Bennett /w the gospel truth min / family 


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