Friday 11 December 2015

Let’s Not Cultivate That Habit Of Replacing Christ With X


Hello everyone…
I’ve been carrying this burden in my heart for some time now, and I feel its time I let it out.
Dear christians, you’re gradually replacing our lord’s name (Christ) with the letter X why?
To be honest its very bad…we’re christians, we carry the image of christ not X. So I see no reason why people should say I’m an Xtian or merry Xmas etc.
X if you’re a mathematics student simply means unknown. So replacing christ name with X simply means that you have an unknown identity.
It means you no longer bear the image of christ, but an unknown image.
I know we all aren’t perfect, and we are all subject to mistakes…but I pray that as God has opened our eyes to the truth, we would learn to call his son rightfully, and refrain from replacing his identity with an unknown letter.
May God bless us even as we keep to his word.


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