Sunday 27 December 2015

Merry Christmas; Keeping Christ Jesus in Your Christmas Celebration - The Purpose of christmas

Oh! Glory! To God; Its another Christmas Season.

Praise the Lord, we give thanks and glory to our God who as not seize to be faithful to we his children,
we have receive goodness, mercy and grace from God which as enabled me and you to see another
 Christmas Season in 2015, may his name alone be praise.

 Christmas s that time of the year that no living man on earth can say he or she doesn't feel the massive
 wave of the season's glory.

Its one of the ways we validated the birth, ministry and Resurrection of christ to unbelievers; because
even though they don't believe; they are still arrested under the good will of the season, that is why
every businesses and firms just want to have a slash down of their prices during christmas, and they
don't know why, but the reason is not far fetch; its just because; the bible says in John 3 : 16 - For God so loved the world
 that he "GAVE" his only begotten son that whosoever believe shall not perish but have an everlasting life.

That means christmas season is a season of "Giving" out of LOVE; Because God "LOVED" the world and to proof his
love he "GAVE" So christmas is a season of loving, showing the love by giving that's how it works.

That's what makes christmas beautiful and a season of love and giving and that is why we spend time
with families, friends, loved one and do a lotof sharing, like food sharing within neighborhoods, 
hempers and gifts are common features of the season.

So that is the reason everyone comes under the goodwill of the season; even though at times we can't
explain, its like a ntaural force that comes upon everyone and we can not deny it.

The saviour's birth is real more than light; that is why i choose to write this post; it's a necessity for You and Me
 that as been saved into the ever enduring grace of the kingdom of our lord Jesus Christ, to celebrate this christmas with a sense of understanding and the purpose of his birth, and the significance of his death.

Jesus came so that you and I can be saved, and have access to the father, we as beleivers were entitle to a life of unquestionable dominion, and even as at the time of creation, the lord commanded adam to have dominion over every other thing, "birds of the air, fishes of the sea. 

Now in our own generation and jurisdiction, i will say; let have dominion over all powers of darkness, all principalities, spiritual force of wickedness, fear and doubt, unbelief, lust and customs of the world, anything that is found on earth but is not found in christ must be dominated with the nature and authority of christ the lord whom we carry.

Although, adam as the 1st man lost the dominion but christ Jesus came back to restore it that is why when he was on earth, he was JESUS but after his death and he arose; he became the Lord Jesus christ!

The word Christ there means " the anointed" there is more to christmas than the merry and dinning, much more than the celebration we must seek and press for the nature of christ and enter into an intimacy with our lord.

Also very important we must go out to the lost souls and tell somebody about Jesus christ, let them understand why this season is so special all over the world.

It's a time and season to harvest more souls into the kingdom.

Understanding Reasons Why Jesus Christ Came to This World 

  1. To save us from Our sins, Scriptures Speaking in John 1:29 - "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
  2. Jesus came to this world to seek and restore the lost souls - Luke 19 : 10.
  3. To Restore the joy of Man Kind.
  4. To Destroy the work of the Devil. - Acts 10 : 38.
  5. Jesus came to Restore God will unto man - Acts 3 : 26.
  6. To Restore Divine Presence back to man - Isaiah 7 :1
  7. To Show us some Pictures of heaven and how we can get there - John 14:2, John 10 : 32.
So How Do You Appropriate the blessings above in Your Life?

1. Believe it, receive him as your lord and saviour.

2. You must also believe in the provision of his redemption.

3. You must make specific demands for your right in christ as a convenant child of his kingdom.

I pray God will grant us more understanding to maximize and utilize the season we are in.

I wish you all a Merry christmas in conjunction with a happy new year which is to be in 5days time.

God bless you all.

Jesus is Lord!


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