Monday 11 January 2016

Prophetic Declaration for the week From Papa

* This year, the honor of the Father will locate you!

* I see the glory of God rise upon you!

* I see you going stronger!

* This 21-day prayer and fasting shall be your mountain of encounters!

* This shall be your most profound year!

* Receive grace to live above discouragement in your Christian journey in Jesus' name!

* Grace not to faint all through the year in your stewardship in the house of God, receive it in Jesus' name!

* This year will open several new chapters in your life!

* You will not be found in the grave at the end of this year in the name of Jesus!

* Every child of the Most High that is appointed to death this year is delivered now in the name of Jesus!

* This year, may your labour in the Lord not be in vain!

* This shall be your most spiritual season!

* Whatever you stand for in prayer shall be delivered in testimony!

* Any disease or bondage in your life is destroyed in Jesus' name!

* Welcome to your year of sweatless triumphs!

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