Thursday 4 February 2016

Dunamis Epistle - Character: A Major Key To Fulfillment of Destiny

SCRIPTURE: But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. – Daniel 1:8
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: A person’s destiny is not determined by his locality but by his or her spirituality
It has been established that character is a non-negotiable requirement for the fulfilment of destiny. Men of character are men of destiny. Character is the secret of enlargement and unstoppable increase in life. There is a connection between character and greatness, character and prosperity, character and authority, character and influence. 
One prominent personality of character in the Bible is Daniel. He was a young man who was taken as a captive along with the other children of Israel to Babylon for seventy years. He rose to a position of the first vice president in Babylon. His relevance spanned through the reign of four kings: Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius and Cyrus. 
Now, what vital lesson can we learn from the life of Daniel?
A person’s destiny is not determined by his locality but by his or her spirituality.  Daniel fulfilled his destiny as a slave in a foreign land, and not his homeland, because of his spirituality. So, where you live is not what determines what you become. Who you are spiritually is what determines what you become physically. For example, that you are in Nigeria does not mean that you will fail, and that you are in America does not mean that you will succeed; your failure or success depends on your character, attitude and spirituality. 
I decree a baptism of solid spirituality in your life in Jesus’ Name.
Remember this: A person’s destiny is not determined by his locality but by his spirituality.
1. Diligently go through the book of Daniel to learn the character of Daniel.
2. Make up your mind to live a life of positive character.
PRAYER: O LORD, help me to develop a positive character for a solid destiny in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Where you are coming from is not as important as where you are going. Culled from REASON FOR LIVING by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: Exodus 19:16 to 21:21, Matthew 23: 19 to 39, Psalms 28:1 to 9, Proverbs 7:1 to 5.

God bless you.


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