Thursday 25 February 2016

Engaging The Power of Divine Secrets For Supernatural Breakthrough

Access to divine secrets is what makes a star in the kingdom. Nothing valuable happens by chance; when you know beyond the natural, you are in command of the supernatural. It is the revelation of divine secrets that prompt your manifestation, and they are revealed as mysteries.

In this month of the era of rising stars, we shall be exploring the teaching series titled: ‘Unveiling Kingdom Mysteries for Supernatural Breakthroughs.’
God is the custodian of all secrets that pertain to the issues of life. Whatever He reveals belongs to you and your generation. So, until they are revealed, you cannot partake of the treasures attached to divine secrets, which are also referred to as mysteries of the kingdom.
The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law (Deuteronomy 29:29).

They are divine secrets embedded in biblical stories. These secrets transform, translate and transfigure you. Mysteries are not mystics; they are simply heavenly secrets sealed up within the statements of scriptures.
You have access to the stories in scriptures as long as you are literate, but secrets are reserved for genuine children of God. The stories only add to your information, while divine secrets trigger your transformation. It is your access to these secrets that makes you a star in the kingdom.
Apostles and prophets are custodians of the mysteries of the kingdom of God on the earth. They have a duty to help men see the secrets behind these scriptures and apply them to their daily living. They open the seal for others to follow.
Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; (Ephesians 3:5)

·                    Be born again (John 3:3-5): Until you are born again, you are spiritually dead. Life begins, spiritually, at new birth, and only the living need secrets. So, it takes spirituality to access the mysteries in scriptures (1 Corinthians 2:14).

·                    Engage the fear of the Lord as a lifestyle: It takes the fear of God to qualify for access into the secrets of God. Job was a man that feared God and he had access to the secrets of God. You cannot live carelessly and expect access to divine secrets; you must fear God.
The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant (Psalm 25:14)
·                    Engage in prayers of enquiry: Without asking questions, you are not entitled to answers. These questions can only be asked and answered on the platform of prayer and fasting.
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not(Jeremiah 33:3).
·                    Engage the Holy Spirit in a Search: He is the custodian of divine secrets. He is the spiritual rig that draws from the treasures of the kingdom. We need the Holy Ghost to flow in the deep things of God (John 16:12-14).

·                    Separate yourself with a crave to access definite secrets (Proverbs 18:1): You achieve this with your Bible and anointed books in relevant areas of concern, while praying in the Holy Ghost.    
v    We are Born of Favour: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8).

Every child of God is saved by favour; you did nothing to merit it. You have been predestinated, justified, and glorified b y favour and not your effort.

v    You Belong to a Highly Favoured Kingdom(Psalm 132:13-18): Every child of God is a citizen of Zion, and belongs to a highly favoured kingdom. You are not a stranger to favour.
Favour is vital to living, because it is the architect of every great future. It is the master key to a world of fulfilment. It changes and gloriously repositions people. God determines the placement of everyone by His favour (Psalm 30:5-7).
Life is not a race of strength, swiftness, or skill. It answers absolutely to favour. The quality of a man’s life is a function of the favour at work for him.
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all (Ecclesiastes 9:11).
Every other favour asides salvation places a demand on you (Titus 2:11).
ü    Godliness: It will always engender greatness. All uniquely favoured men in scriptures such as Joseph, Job, and Daniel were lifted through godliness.
For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield (Psalm 5:12).

ü    The anointing (Psalm 45: 6-12): The anointing of the Holy Ghost attracts the flow of favour. So, the more anointed you are, the greater your access to the flow of divine favour.
Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee (Songs of Solomon 1:3).
ü    Prayer and Fasting: Nehemiah prayed for God’s favour and the king favoured him beyond imagination (Nehemiah 1:4-12). Esther and Jabez were also beneficiaries of divine favour through the platform of prayer and fasting.

ü    Addiction to kingdom promotion (Psalm 102:13-16): When you take pleasure in the advancement and promotion of the kingdom, by favouring God’s agenda in the church, He rewards you with unlimited access to favour.

ü    Spiritual understandingGood understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard(Proverbs 13:15).
Grace, which equals favour and peace, multiplies by knowledge. So, good understanding entitles you to favour.

ü    GivingGive, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again (Luke 6:38).

ü    Keeping Company with the Favoured: The Company you keep determines what accompanies you. Where you sit, whom you walk with and where you stand determine the outcome of your life (Psalm 1:1-3).
He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed (Proverbs 13:20).
When you come in contact with the virtues you desire, stay with those that have it. Lot was blessed because he accompanied Abraham the blessed (Genesis 13:5). You cannot be connected to the company of heroes and remain a zero.
ü   High Praises: It is a master qualifier for the flow of favour. When you engage in high praises, it touches the heart of God because that is one thing He cannot do for Himself. So, He places extreme value on it (Psalm 67: 5-7).

v   It brings promotion (Genesis 39: 5, 21).
v   It triggers breakthroughs: None can fly higher than the favour he enjoys (Psalm 44:1-3).
v   It facilitates miracle marriages (Proverbs 18:22).
v   It engenders miracle children (Luke 1:30; Genesis 29:31).
v   It makes great (1 Corinthians 15:10).
v   It also saves.
In this last phase of the midst of the year, God has vowed to favour you because He always reserves the best for the last.  He has vowed to make known His raw power to you, by scattering every everlasting mountain and pulling down every perpetual hill on your behalf.
You may not have seen anything yet, but by the favour of God this month, you are changing levels supernaturally! So, crave earnestly for divine secret because it is your sure guarantee for supernatural greatness forever!

Prophetic Blessings!
·              Throughout this week, everyday will bring you favour!
·              As the Lord lives, this day marks a turning point in your life!
·              By divine favour, everyone set for marriage, this year will not be over until you are married!
·              Everyone afflicted with mediocrity, I decree your divine greatness!
·              By the anointing of the Holy Ghost, every yoke of misfortune around you is cursed from the root!
·              By favour, you are declared untouchable!
·              Expect the unveiling of kingdom mysteries for your unending breakthroughs!
·              Before the end of the month, your story will change dramatically!
·              Receive your supernatural breakthroughs in business!
·              This week is your best week ever!
·              By divine favour, receive your miracle job!

Built a School in Six Weeks!
“When I joined this Commission, I had no job. I prayed and was led to establish a school. Since I did not want to despise the days of little beginnings, I started the school in my house, but people mocked me.
I keyed into every prophetic word from this altar and never took evangelism lightly.  I told God, ‘so ekun mi di ogo’ (Lord, turn my tears to glory), which He did.
In Shiloh 2012, I was desperate for a change of level because I was tired of using my house as a school. So, I emptied my school’s account as my Shiloh sacrifice, and trusted God to build me a school.
During one of the Shiloh Services, the Bishop said that God’s hand built Covenant and Landmark University, so, from that day, we would experience God’s hand in our buildings. I keyed into it.
On the Sunday Shiloh ended, my neighbour informed my husband of his intention to sell his uncompleted building. He said several people had come for the property but God told him to sell it to us. He further said we should not stress ourselves about the money, that we could pay in instalment.
God provided the money and the property was acquired. Lo and behold, God built the school in six weeks and it has been dedicated. Indeed this is my year of Next Levels!” --- Teju, S.

30-Year Marital Spell Broken!
“In my lineage, we never got married; instead, we ended up as single parents. So, I decided that none of my children would be afflicted with that plague.
When I joined this Commission, I warned my daughter against premarital pregnancy. The devil tried to scare me with the thought that she would never get married, because at age 34, she had no suitor.
All through 2012, I came out for every marriage dedication with my daughter’s picture, which was always anointed. I also attended the 7-week Miracle MarriageService declared by the Bishop.
During the last service, I danced like never before, and a lady asked, ‘mummy, do you want to get married again?’ I replied that I was dancing Iya iyawo dance (the bride’s mother dance). Shortly after, my daughter called to inform me that God had done it.
Then, I was faced with the challenge of travelling abroad for the wedding, because they reside there.
On the 32nd anniversary of this church, I spent three days praying and fasting over the issue. On the 3rd day, I cried and told God that my hope and trust were in Him. That same day, I was privileged to see the Bishop. He laid his hand on me and said, ‘you are going, my daughter, and I’m here waiting for your testimony.’  He further declared that my tears be turned into joy.
That week, I had supernatural supplies and was able to attend the wedding.  Praise the Lord!” --- Favour, O.

28-Year Bleeding Ceased via the Anointing Oil!
“This is my first service in this church. Prior to this time, I suffered from an issue of blood, which flowed with severe pains for 28 years. I had consulted four specialists, and they were all surprised I could get pregnant with my condition.
In 2011, I was scheduled for a surgical operation, which I should have undergone 10 years ago but was unable to due to financial constraint. When I finally got the money, I was advised by one of my relations to depend on God and forget about an operation. So, I believed God for my healing.
Last week, due to the pains, sleepless night and endless bleeding I experienced, I confided in my daughter. She gave me the anointing oil to drink and anointed me. Then she placed her hand on my stomach and prayed.
Days later, the blood in my system flowed out freely and ceased. God has won the battle forever and I give Him the glory!” --- Olusola, A.

International Award!
“I joined this Commission in 1999, while in the university. I now work with a very large global conglomerate. I joined them in Abuja, but was later transferred to Lagos to help solve some organisational issue.
When we arrived, we came up with some growth strategies, which other managers thought would not work. Due to constant discouragement, I prayed with my wife for seven days, anointed my office and told God what I wanted.
Some weeks back, I received a call from America informing me that I had won an International award with my company, having one of the best performances in the world.
I give God all the glory!”--- Isioma, I.

Cancer Healed by Prophetic Word!
“Five years ago, I was afflicted with cancer. I had drastically lost weight due to my struggle with it. Two years ago, when I returned from America, I began believing God for healing.  
Last Sunday during the Mantle Service, I rubbed the prophetic mantle on my stomach and immediately, I felt something came out. Then the Bishop said, ‘terminal disease is coming out of someone here.’ I keyed into it.
Today, my health and strength are perfectly restored.  I give God the glory!”
                                                                                                                      --- Elizabeth, A.
Delivered from 13 Years of Smoking!
“In the year 2000, I started smoking; after a while I decided to quit. I prayed and cried to God for help, but I still found myself in it because of the friends I kept.
Last week, one of the brothers in this Commission invited me for the Winners’ Satellite Fellowship (WSF), but I gave an excuse and promised to follow him to church on Sunday.
That Sunday, at about 4:00 am, I got ready and went to his house. During the Bishop’s preaching, I felt cold and shed tears. I prayed earnestly for God’s help to stop every wrong habit, and I also attended the Believers’ Foundation Class that week.
During the Week of Spiritual Emphasis, I partook of the Communion. That was the first I ever took and it tasted bitter. On my way home, I felt a boiling sensation in my stomach and I prayed. 
The second time when I partook of the Communion, it tasted sweet. Since then, I had stopped smoking. I give God all the glory!” --- David, M.

Delivered from Satanic Nail!
“I had a plague in my leg, which God had healed, but the hole refused to close-up.
Two weeks ago, I dreamt that I removed a nail from the hole. On Friday, while the Bishop ministered, I got angry in my spirit that the hole was still there.
When I got home, I tied the mantle on my leg and slept off. When I woke up, I discovered that the bed was stained with blood, and a nail was on it. I checked my leg and I saw a hole, which was the size of the nail.
I give God all the glory for physically manifesting what He revealed in the dream!”
                                                                                                                        --- Kelechi, J.

Delivered from Pain and Safe Delivery!
“In 2011, I noticed a very severe cramp, which occurred whenever I was pregnant. I later discovered that it was a family challenge. I toke all kinds of pain reliever, but to no avail. The pain was so severe that I could not move whenever it came.
During Shiloh 2011, I told God to heal me of the discomfort. During the praise session, the Bishop asked us to dance like never before. Though I was heavily pregnant, I shook, danced, jumped, and jogged.
Immediately, my legs were strengthened. Since then, I never had that cramp. I also had a safe delivery, even when the doctors thought it was impossible. 
I give God all the glory!”--- Patricia, O.

Divinely Rescued!
“I am a sailor by profession. On Sunday, we sailed from Bayelsa to Lagos, fully loaded with Automotive Gas Oil (AGO). About nine hours to Lagos, we discovered a leakage in the engine room, through which water came into the vessel.
After a while, the vessel began to sink, so, we launched a lifeboat. After boarding it, the engine would not start, then we knew we were in danger. There was no building or human in sight, so we panicked.
In the process, I remembered the Bishop said we were not permitted to die young. That lifted my spirit, and I encouraged the crew with those words.
While trying to paddle the boat, suddenly, we saw an Ex-mobile service boat heading towards us. We called for help and we were rescued. To God be all the glory!”--- Godwin, O.

Now an Associate Chartered Accountant!
“Since November 2009, I had been writing the professional examination of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN). I wrote the level one exam four times before I could cross over to the next level, which I also had a challenge with.
During the Easter Service in April, the Bishop prophesied that by the resurrection power of Jesus, we would not be found rewriting an exam. I had never heard him say such, so, I held on to it.
During one of my studies, my spirit reminded me that it was my seventh time of writing the exam. Then, the Holy Spirit said seven meant perfection, and God would perfect all that concerned me.
I wrote the exam in May 2013, bearing in mind the prophecy that came forth from the Bishop and the confirmation by the Holy Spirit.
Today, I am an Associate Chartered Accountant after writing the exam seven times.  I give all the glory to God!”--- Kehinde, O.

Breast Pain Healed and Menses Restored!
“I suffered breast pain for three years, and at a time, my menstruation stopped. Last week was my first time here.
During the service, a sister shared a testimony on how God delivered her from breast itching. I said, ‘God, if you are the one that delivered this sister, I will not go home with this breast pain.’
I returned from that service with joy. When my husband asked why I was happy, I replied that I was healed, even if I still felt the pain.
On Wednesday morning, while I took my bath, I felt no pain and my menstruation was restored!” --- Rosemary, E.

Burning Sensation Disappeared via Mantle Impartation!
“For over three years, I felt a severe burning sensation on my left arm. I prayed and read the Bishop’s books, but after 2 or 3 days it became worse.
Last Sunday, I decided it was enough. When I saw the Bishop laid his hands on the mantles, I said, ‘Father, this is my moment, season and hour.’
As I received the mantle, I held it and said, ‘Father, the hour has come.’ Immediately, the burning sensation ceased. All through the week, my sleep was peaceful. I give all the glory to God!” --- Chukwuka, M.


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