Tuesday 8 March 2016

Christian Marriage Counselling : Marrying The Cross - Matthew 19: 5

Praise The Lord, I feel so honored to have my hands on the note and put up some article after a long holiday.

Today I want to address some very important and vital issues that i have observed in the Christendom.

Marriage was instituted by God and we know that all that God does is perfect, it was necessary for man to be marry and to have a "help-mate" that was why God provided a female "woman" for him, and every now and then, every youth will become a man and will have to leave his father and mother and cling to his wife - Matthew 19: 5 .

So marriage is not achieved until a man is set to leave his own parent and the same with a woman to be with her husband for them to live together as one.
Praise the lord.

Today I will just be making a little marriage counselling which i believe will grant wisdom to those who so desires it.

Marriage is a life time covenant and you must be ready and prepared both mentally, intellectually, materially, financially, spiritually and parental.

Prepare is the mother of manifestation, it is your preparation that determines the level of your manifestation.

But to the both party, i want to address a very important issue i have seen among christian couples, you must understand that when you are waiting on God for the right man to come, he won't come as an "Angel" but he will come as a human being.

One of the attribute of humans is "limitations" humans are prone to limitation every now and then, that is why you need GOD!

I have seen ladies that God actually send them the right man but because of their shallow understanding and lack of knowledge, they missed out on those great gifts from God, I pray for you today, you shall not miss out of God's plan

Some ladies  could not recognize him when he comes all because they are more carnally minded than yielding themselves to the spirit; you might not get a brother who is perfect in all his ways, but two is always better than one and when you have the conviction that he is the one, then you can start re branding him into whom you want him to do, it will be ridiculous and it will be a great lose on your side as a lady if you lose that precious man God as prepared for him all because he doesn't comb his hairs, or maybe he didn't iron his cloth, don't expect a perfect angel to come your way, because angels don't marry, it is we humans that get married, so let that understanding come upon you afresh.

 My Advice For Ladies ;

 Have a picture of the kind of man that you want your husband to be, and start making preparation in faith and actions towards serving such a man, he doesn't have to look like it when he comes, but you can always change him into that which you want him to be by the help of the holyspirit giving the wisdom of God to accomplish a good, standard Godly home system.

 Jesus christ our saviour was actually born in the manger not in a stadium, not in white house, not in a commercial air-conditioned hospital, not in a 5-star hotel but he carries something within him that an save the whole world, it is of importance that you look within and see that while he carries, his potentials and dreams, this will what will keep both of you relevant together in the future to come.

Apart from putting proper plan in place, also engage in prayers, as a faithful Christian sister, you must ask God for your husband, he knows where the man his right now and he knows how to connect the both of you together.

  "Blessed is she that believe for there shall be a performance of that which was spoken to her by the lord - Luke 1 : 45".

You must believe God for your husband to come, it doesn't take God anything, it doesn't cost him anything to provide your husband and answer your prayer, the bible says He is THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!! He's ALMIGHTY, He can do anything, just anything!!! But you must keep demanding, because in this kingdom of light, whatsoever you don't demand, you don't deserve because God always give to men based on their request.

After God as answered your prayers and brought the man, you must believe and trust God for wisdom to make a good healthy christian home happen, and it is not enough; you must pray and build capacity by getting christian books on marriage written by successful christian ministers, those that have succeeded in their marriage, you will have a lot to learn from them.

I have seen a woman, whom the devil almost destroy her hme by making her husband develop a strange character and lifestyle due to bad influences of friends, the man began to drink alcohol, stay out late at night and come back home when its too dark, but the woman held unto her faith and she keeps believing God for a change, she keeps loving her husband, keep praying for God to change him, and you know when you pray, it doesn't goes off like that, it goes into the heavenly and stores there till the time of delivery.

God is faithful, one day the man turn a new life and stop all the bad habit and the lord helped and delivered him totally, that is why the bible says - The prayer of the righteous availeth much - James 5 : 16 " so great mighty move of God takes place when a family is healthy in prayers and wives gives themselves unto serious fervent prayer in order to provoke heaven's attention and God's intervention, we must be giving ourselves to serious fervent prayers and fasting.

Great home making woman must be ready to take up responsibility in order to make the marriage work and pull the enemy back.

Imagine if that Woman had left her house to perish and die, don't give up on your faith, God is working things out and it is working in your favour in Jesus mighty amen!!!

Your marriage shall work in Jesus name,


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