Sunday 20 March 2016

Nigerian Generals of Faith :Testimonies at Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola's Crusade in 1930

One of the fathers of faith in Nigeria and whom i would love to call a spiritual emeritus, of all time, is Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola of blessed Memory, whom history as it that he is the founder of the Christ apostolic Church (CAC).

II have written a lot of testimonies about his life and ministry on this blog but every now and then, i am privilege to come in contact with those who have been in any of his meetings or connected with his direct successors, and they share some mind blowing testimonies for me and all i can do to help encourage the body of christ and make them know, there is more God can do for us and through us when he finds us; is to share them on this Gospel Blog!

So What was the testimony that Am sharing about babalola's life, ministry and crusade today?

It was recorded that Babalola was to minister in a crusade in Osun state many years ago, and he was inside the car together with some brethren on their way to the crusade ground, all of a sudden, the car stopped working.

So while they are trying to fix what was wrong, the time is going, and the are getting late, so apostle babalola made it known to those that were with him, that he was going to urinate, while he was going live in their eyes, they see a mighty wind rushing towards him and all of a sudden, he disappeared in the wind and blew off;

by the time they were done fixing the car and drove themselves down to the crusade, the eventually find God's servant on the altar already preaching in the crusade.

This is yet another practical proof of the raw power of God at work in the life of this great vessel of God.

Praise the lord.

The bible says "Jesus christ; the same yesterday, today and forever".

We also know that God is not a respecter of men, so if he does all this mighty things in the life of babalola, we know and we believe, he can do much more in our days and time, through our lives, all he needs is to find us worthy!!!

Are you going to make yourself available for the master's use?

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