Wednesday 4 May 2016

Power of Testimony: 5 Reasons You Must Testify To God's Faithfulness

The Lord's doing are the lords', you must not take glory for it, the bible says everything good and perfect gift comes from the lord above.

We must not pretend as if we are the ones who generate them here on earth, the bible says Bless the lord oh! My Soul, forget not all his benefits.

There are benefits we receive from God often times we forgot to give God praise for what he has done.

So today I will be showing you 5 potency for testimony and why you must value them, honor them and utilize them in your journey of walking with the Lord as a christian.

5 Major Power of Testimony!!!

When i talk of testimony in this context, am referring to what the lord as done in your own life personally to you and you could of a truth; agree that this can only be the almighty God; the one who upholdeth all things according to the word of his power  -  Hebrew 1 : 3.

1. Testimony Honours God : Whenever you are sharing the great works of God with the people of God; you are honoring God and this is one of the most important requirement in our walk with God that we come to a point that by our lives and living, we truly and sincerely honour the lord.

When you are singing in joy and rejoicing and sharing how God helped you when you are helpless, you are honoring God and the bible speaking in Proverb 3 : 9 says "Honor the Lord with your capital and sufficiency (from righteous labors) and with the firstfruits of all your income."

So why you are giving GOD Praise, for his wonderful acts, you must give offering as a sign of honor.

2. Testimony Glorifies God : The bible says in John 12 : 32 "If i be lifted up, i shall draw men unto myself" this is Jesus speaking there; whenever you are acknowledging the great power and move of God in your lives, you are glorifying God.

This is also very important, because God as created us and separated us unto himself so that we may give him Glory and praise through our lives.

Sharing the mighty wonders of God with his people, gives him glory, you are telling him , "Lord, I see what you are doing in my life, you are the one that kept us when the thieves robbed our estate last night, they didn't come to our cutters, we give you glory.

And when you Glorify God, he glorifies you the more in return, that is the beauty of God's greatness.

The bible also established this in  Acts 4 : 20 - But We (Ourselves) cannot help telling what we have seen and heard.

3. It Puts a Zeal on What God as done : This is very important and you must take it very serious, when you share the testimony of God's good work over your life in the assembly of God's people (probably a church or fellowship meeting with the brethren), you are committing the integrity of God to cover that which he as done and put a zeal on it so that the enemy can not come back and infect what God as done.

We see this in the scriptures as regard the 10 leapers, when Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priest and as they went, they were cleansed, the bible says one of them came back in gratefulness and gratitude of heart and Jesus said to him, is there no 10 of you that was healed, where are the remaining 9?

Then he perfected his healing, so among the 10 people that was healed, the one that came back in testimony was the one that God perfected by committing his integrity on it.

The Bible also testifies about the power of overcoming all the wickedness of the devil in Revelations 12 - 11 And They Overcame (Conquered)him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not love and cling to life even when faced with death (holding their lives cheap till they had to die for their witnessing).

4. You are Reproducing The Same Result in The Lives of the Brethren :  The bible speaking in - Revelation 19 : 10  says "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy", so this simply means any testimony that Jesus did for you, when you share it with the brethren, you are telling them God can do the same thing in their live.

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy' this means it as the ability to reproduce itself in the lives of others.

The Lord is not a respecter of Man - Acts 10 : 34,  Romans 2 : 11.

This is to show us that God is able to do great things in every believer's life, He is able to make all grace abound for everyone who believes.

(2 Corinthians 9: 8; And God is able to make all grace "favor and earthly blessing" come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient "possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donations" - Amp).

5. You are Committing God to do More : We all know when Jesus wanted to feed the 5,000 men with fishes and loaves of Bread, he gave thanks; saying "Father I Thank you; when he wanted to raise lazarus from the dead also, he says 'Father I Thank you, for you always hear me; that is a testimony; he was sharing the testimony of God's faithfulness, where the believers and unbelievers are present, to honor the lord, after which multiplication of Food began, and lazarus which was dead came back to life.

Testimony is one of the ways you can see more goodness and wonders of God, when you thank God for that development in your life and career and yo share it with he brethren, he promises to expend the career and life even much more, because you have acknowledge him as the doer and he will continue to do more.

For instance; let me give you the practicality of what am saying here; When you graduate from school and you are employed in a firm where you are been paid $400 monthly, instead of murmuring, you gave thanks, God will ensure your salary goes up to $600, $800 and $1000, this dimension of increment in life, career progress and advancement in all faucet of life is not obtainable by prayer only, you can also access  it through testimony, acknowledging what God did, grants him the authorization to do more for you.

I pray God bless you and grant you understanding to put into action that which you have received from this today,

God bless you.
Kindly share with your friends and bless them also.


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