Sunday 15 May 2016

The Power of ThanksGiving : Reasons to Give God Thanks Always as a Christian Believer

Praise the Lord!
I bring you all greetings in the name of our the LORD!
Am sure God as been greatly blessing your week and making his face to shine over you and your endeavors? God be praised.
So today I Want to open your eyes to one of the master key of the kingdom of God and tool of our warfare.
The bible says "Unto Thee, i give the keys that opens the kingdom of heaven that whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bind in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loose in heaven. - Matthew 16 : 19 ".

Keys here connotes "Knowledge: you are empowered in the realm of the spirit by the knowledge that as been made known to you by the spirit of God.
One of the ways by which we unlock doors in the spirit realm is through THANKSGIVING, Having a attitude of gratitude will empower you for greater dimension of God's glory in your life and walk with God.
God desires that every time you see his good work in your life and give him thanks, this is very important, it is non-negotiable. You must live a life of thanksgiving; which some people calls  "Thanks-living".

MOST OF TIMES, PEOPLE tends to be an ingrate, most people murmur and complain that God as not done that which they desire of him, and by so doing, they are indirectly blindfolded from seeing other goodness of the lord.

However, by God's grace today i will open your eyes to some of the power and mysteries of Thanksgiving as one of our weapon of warfare and keys that opens the gates of heaven.

You need to understand that when you give God thanks for one certain thing he multiplies it and make it become two, so when you are a grateful servant, sons and daughters of the most high, you can be rest assured that you are next in line for greater glory because every child of God who shows his appreciation in response to God's goodness and faithfulness is naturally eligible to access deeper grace and mighty hands of God in his life and endeavors.
So Now; 

What are the Power of Thanksgiving in a Believer's life?

  1. Multiplication : Thanksgiving as the ability to multiply whatsoever you are thanking God for; if you have your first child and you give God the glory for that lifetime success, just know that the rest children are coming. If you have a list of things that you desire that the lord should do for you and in your life and he as done maybe just 4 out of 7 request in your lists, when you are thankful for the first 4, then God will prove himself mighty over the remaining 3, that is how God operates.    You will agree with me that when Jesus our savior wanted to do the miracle of feeding 5,000 men, he gave THANKS! Also when he wanted to raise the dead of lazarus from the grave, he also gave thanks, in Matthew 14 : 19,  it is a powerful key in the kingdom of God. So from today if you really want to work in the miraculous, give God thanks always, bless his name, show your gratitude and love for the lord, show your believe and let your faith in him be strong.   The bible speaking in Psalms  34 : 1  , says "I will bless the lord and his praise shall continually be in my mouth".
  2.  Miracle : This is another benefit of thanksgiving, you begin to work in the miraculous when you give God thanks always, its is one of the laws of the spiritual realm, God is great and greatly to be praise, The bible says "I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me to do?  Jeremiah 32 : 27 ".        
              We all know as saints that there is absolutely nothing too hard for our God to do,  but how do you provoke the hand of God to work a miracle in your direction?Give him praise, be thankful, now i must also emphasize here that  there is a dimension of Praise and thanks giving that birth miracles and mighty move of God, it as to be in the spirit and in truth!!! Remember when paul and silas was in the prison the bible says they in Acts 16 : 16 - 40, that they pray and they praise and the doors and gate of the prison began to shake, now i want you to observe and realize that was a very powerful kind of praise and it was ignited from their spirit, it was an heaven provoking order of thanksgiving. So you must endeavor to give God that kind of thanks  always; what i want you to know as a believer is that PRAISE and Authentic heartfelt THANKSGIVING Provokes the hand of God much more than prayer, what brought down the Wall of Jericho?  PRAISE of Hallelujah!!! Joshua 6 : 20, Hebrews  11: 30 , Tells us that it was also a praise of faith. You might have tried prayer and other medium, i encourage you to give praise a trial and you will see hand of God in a mighty way, let me also unravel this great mystery to you about praise, more often than not; there are agent of darkness that hinders answers to prayer but when you are praising God, you secure divine presence which displace every other kind of presence, it also facilitates heaven's attention on your behalf, so when you are in praise the heavens are open and any devils and demons around you that time, fly! They are on the run, why? They can not withstand the presence of the mighty one of Israel, the i am that i am, the king of glory, The Jehovah Lord Divine, Praise The Lord!
  3. Divine Presence : This is another power key that we secure via thanksgiving, when you are in thanksgiving and praise you are invoking heaven's release, there is always an open heaven when you are in thanksgiving and singing praises to the lord with joy and rejoicing, One of the necessity that we need to succeed in our walk with the lord and endeavors in life is "Divine Presence" When the presence of God is continually with you, the devils and demons see you and run away, any arrow of the evil ones shoot against you will not be able to come near you, this is what the presence of God does to a man, the bible says "Therefore Let no man trouble me, for i bear the mark of Christ"  -  Galatians 6 : 17 . And Moses also gave a powerful picture of the potency of divine presence in  Exodus 33 : 15 , when he said " And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence. " And there are a lot of package embedded in the presence of God, how it can greatly benefit and transform a man's life. One of the great benefit of divine presence is JOY! Unprecedented joy, instruction, divine direction, favour, lifting and glory.  So attract the presence of God into your life, career, ministry and everything that as to do with you today by giving God quality Thanks, the bible says "The lord inhabit the praises of all his people - Psalms 22 : 3". So when you are in praise and thanksgiving in gladness and joy of what the lord as done or what you want him to do, the lord inhabit you and glorifies you, Praise The Lord!
  4. It Put a Seals on our Blessings : Thanksgiving puts a seal on the blessings of God over your life. now what is the seal all about? Well, you must know that the bible speaking in  (Malachi 2:2)  says
    If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the Lord of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings…  So you can see that the only way to avert God cursing your blessing is to give him praise, learn to see the mighty acts of God among you and give him glory always! Don't in debt God. Master the attitude of gratitude, Give God glory always! Let his praise continually be in your heart, when Jesus healed the 10 leapers only one returned and he asked about the remaining 9, but they were no where to be found, so he perfected (place a seal) on the healing of that one person that return to give Thanks, so Thanks Giving puts a seal on our blessings and miracles, seal here connotes "perfection" makes it permanent, if God open your blind eyes, and you give him thanks or probably testify to his good works, no devil anywhere can take that eyes away from you again! Glory to Jesus!!! 
Praise the lord, i bless God for helping us to bring you this epistle, i know so sure that you have been greatly blessed by it, it is our joy to see you grow in grace and the knowledge of our lord Jesus christ! To him be glory from Now and for ever amen!!!
I pray that the grace to be not juts be hearer or reader, but doer of that which you have read today be release on you in the mighty name of Jesus.
God bless you.

Kindly share the article with your friends on social media and if you have questions you can go ahead and ask them by dropping a comment below.
Jesus is Lord!

1 comment:

  1. glory hallellujah! I BLESS GOD For this powerful; teaching and insightful scriptural revelation, more grace unto you in Jesus mighty name.


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