Thursday 9 June 2016

THE WORD! God chastise Those He Loves, Let Us Consider Judas!

I was sharing something with hubby yesterday, and as I meditate on it again, now, I feel led to share it here.

Have you ever wondered why Jesus never cautioned Judas, why He never rebuked him and why He never confronted him for being a thief? (John 12:6)

Have you ever wondered why He allowed Judas to be an executive in His cabinet despite Judas' dubious character?

I mean, He even made Judas the treasurer!

As I meditated on it, I got this:

If God is still disciplining you - if you still have people cautioning you, confronting your excesses and telling you the truth, it is because God has not given up on you, He loves you so much, and you are still very dear to Him.

But if you are engaging in sin and perpetrating one evil or the other, and you are getting away with it, without God chastising you - with no one noticing, confronting and cautioning you, do not think it is because you are smart or good or “special”.

You should fear greatly.

I mean, you should be terribly afraid.

You know why?

It is whom the Father loves that the Father chastises.

Jesus rebuked Peter - it was a sign of love.

He simply ignored Judas and just watched him get away with stuffs - I don't know what that signifies, but we all know how Judas ended up.

Those He simply ignores and merely watches should greatly fear and be terribly afraid.

"For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and (he) scourgeth every son whom he receiveth...

But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons". Heb.12:6&8

Be blessed.



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