Thursday 2 June 2016

Winners Prophetic Focus For JUNE: I am Redeem to Operate The Supernatural - John 3 : 8

From Glory to Glory greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

First, we give thanks to God for the fulfillment of the prophetic word upon this Commission till date as the Mandate turned 35 on Monday, 2nd May 2016.

In addition, we thank God for the impartation of the spirit of faith upon every winner all through the month of May.

 To God alone be all the glory!


            I have no doubt that our encounters with the word of faith in this season shall remain a growing experience with ever-abounding testimonies in our lives in Jesus’ name – Amen.

But what is the Holy Ghost saying to us as a church in this great month of June?

Remember, it is written; “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: SO IS EVERY ONE THAT IS BORN OF THE SPIRIT.” – Jn. 3:8 

From the above scripture, we recognize that:
  • Every child of God is born a wonder to his world – Jn. 3:8.
  • Every child of God is a sign and a wonder to his world – Is. 8:18
  • The supernatural is the natural estate of everyone that is born again – Is. 7:14-15/ Jn. 17:18
  • But miracles are no accidents; they are the deliberate acts of God in response to the desperate faith of men – Mk. 10:46-52
  • Furthermore, divine presence has proved to be a covenant platform for the manifestations of the supernatural – Mk. 16:20/ Acts 10:38/ Acts 19:11-12
However, anyone on the go for Christ in soul-winning endeavours, including engagement in kingdom-advancement prayers and intercessions naturally operates in the supernatural – 

Matt. 10:1/ Mk. 6:7/12-13/ Lk. 10:1/17-19

The supernatural does not sit down with people, it follows people – Mk. 16:15-20
This is the secret behind, the diverse testimonies being shared by winners, who have been engaging faithfully since the wonder-double prophetic agenda began.

For instance, when Jesus sent His disciples without purse or shoes, they lacked nothing. This indicates that they were simply operating in the supernatural – Lk. 10:1/ Lk. 22:35
In addition, on their return, the disciples reported that even devils were subject to them in His name. This shows that when we are on the go for Christ, we are empowered to command the supernatural – Lk. 10:17-19

In the light of the above, all through this month of June 2016, we shall be exploring from scriptures, the hidden forces behind the command of the supernatural, which is key to actualizing the prophetic minimum FOUR-quantum-leap order of testimonies for every winner this year, as we continue to engage passionately in kingdom-advancement endeavours.

Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of June 2016 is:


Recommended books of the month authored by Bishop Oyedepo include:

*Walking in the Miraculous       
 *Operating in the Supernatural  
*Releasing the Supernatural
*Commanding the Supernatural     
 *All you need to have all your needs met

Remain ever blessed.

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo


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