Wednesday 3 August 2016

From Bishop David Oyedepo to All Winners Worldwide - Prophetic Focus for August 2016 "Am Set For an Encounter with Power!"

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From: President, LFCW

To: All Mission Stations

Subject: Prophetic Focus for August 2016
Date: 30th July, 2016

From Glory to Glory greetings in Jesus’ name.

I believe by our encounter with the great physician, the health of every winner has been fully restored in the course of the month of July and to God be all the glory.

However, because whatever the Lord does shall be forever, every one of us shall continue to experience a sickness-free life from henceforth in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
But what is the Holy Ghost saying for the month of August 2016?

As I have often said, ‘no divine agenda can be delivered in the energy of the flesh.’ We also understand that every divine purpose can only be accomplished by the operation of Spirit of the Lord’ – Zech. 4:1-6

Therefore, the prophetic four-quantum leap order of testimonies ordained for this year, both for us as a church and as individuals will definitely require the engagement of the ministry of the Holy Ghost for full delivery.

In the light of the above, we shall be examining the person, mission and operations of the Holy Spirit towards the full delivery of the prophetic agenda for the year.

Furthermore, we must recognize that:
Encounters with power primarily requires a crave for empowerment – Jn. 7:37-39/ Ps. 63:1-3
The mission of the Holy Ghost among others, is to empower believers to command exploits – Is. 45:1-3/ Is. 61:3-7
But it is not enough to be filled with the Holy Spirit; we must continue to be refilled, so we can remain battle ready – Acts 2:1-4/ Acts 4:30-33
We must continue to crave for the new wine and seek after the fresh oil for ever growing impact – Lk. 5:38-39/ Ps. 92:10-15

However, a life style of prayer and fasting is a requirement for continuous change of levels in the school of power – Lk. 11:13/ Ps. 63:1-3/ Is. 44:3-4/ Matt. 6:6/17-18/ Matt. 17:21
Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of August 2016 is:


I strongly believe that every area of concerns around our lives as individuals shall be turned into testimonies by the power of the Holy Ghost this month. It shall indeed be a turnaround month for every Winner in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Recommended books of the month authored by me include:

*Anointing for Breakthrough 

*Understanding the Anointing

*Anointing for Exploits 

*Release of Power

We must all get set to experience the power of God in new dimensions this month.

Remain ever blessed.

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo
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