Thursday 1 March 2018

Winners CHapel Prophetic Focus for March 2018 - Memo from Papa

From: ​​President, LFCW
To: ​​All Mission Stations
Subject:​Prophetic Focus for March 2018
Date:​​February 28, 2018
New Dawn greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

I believe that all through the month of February, everyone of us must have been baptised afresh with the Spirit of obedience, which must have launched us into the realms of noiseless breakthroughs.

May we all continue to be delighted in engaging obedience of faith to every commandment of scriptures, so we can secure both our future and those of our generations after us. Amen and amen.

But what is the Holy Ghost saying for the month of March 2018?
According to scriptures, without vision the people perish. This statement underscores vision as one of the most vital forces in the journey of life. Vision in our context, is the unveiling of God’s plan as it relates to an individual.
From scriptures, we understand that we can access the vision of the Lord for our lives in 4 major ways, among others;
✓ Through the Word of God – The Bible – Is. 29:11-12/ Ps. 119:105
✓ Through Heavenly Vision – Joel 2:28/ Acts 16:8-10/ Acts 26:19
✓ Through the witness of the Spirit – Acts 16:6-7/ Rom. 8:16
✓ Through the passion that burns within us as in Nehemiah – Neh. 2:2-3
Furthermore, we must recognize that:
• The Bible is the custodian of God’s vision for every child of God – Is. 29:11-12
• The Word is the divine mirror that reveals our true picture in Christ – Jam. 1:22-25
• The Bible is the creator’s manual that shows us who we are, what we are worth and what we can do – Ps. 100:3/ Matt. 11:11/ Jn. 14:12
• The Word is God’s prophetic agenda for the redeemed – Is. 34:16/ Is. 14:24/ Lk. 1:45
• The Bible is the certified guide of destiny – Ps. 119:105/ Is. 48:17
Furthermore, the Word unveils our mission on earth:
✓ John the Baptist found his mission from Scriptures – Jn. 1:19-23/ Is 40:1-3
✓ Jesus Christ also located what was written of Him from Scriptures – Luk 4:17-18/ Heb. 10:5-7
However, we must understand that God’s plan for every mortal man only becomes accessible after one is born again. As it is written; “Unto you (redeemed) it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without (unbelievers), all these things are done in parables” – Mk. 4:11 (See also: 1Cor. 2:14/ Rom. 8:29-30)
But the good news is that everyone in Christ has:
✓ A glorious destiny (2Pet. 1:3/ Rom. 8:29-30).
✓ An enviable destiny (Gen. 26:12-14/ Gal. 4:28).
✓ A royal destiny (Rev. 5:10/ Gen. 17:5-7/ Gal. 3:29).
✓ A prosperous destiny (2 Cor. 8:9/ Gal. 3:13-14/ Rev. 5:12).
✓ A mountain top destiny (Deut. 28:1/ Matt. 5:13-16/ Rev. 22:16).
Therefore, accessing God’s plan as contained in His word, is gateway to a world of fulfilment. All through this month, we shall be looking at God’s plan and purpose for our lives and how to actualize them, which shall enable every Winner to fully realize our New Dawn prophetic package for the year 2018.
Therefore, the prophetic focus for the month of March 2018 is:
Recommended books of the month authored by me include:
*In the Pursuit of Vision *Following the path of the Eagle
*Breakthrough Power of the Vision *Understanding Divine Direction
Remain ever blessed.
Jesus is Lord!
David O. Oyedepo
Note: This Epistle is to be read first, at the Leadership Empowerment Summit on Saturday 3rd and on Sunday, 4th March 2018


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