Wednesday 8 August 2018

Can God Really Save and Deliver Nigeria?

We have been praying asking God to save Nigeria and we are even praying asking God to kill certain people in the country but we need to know and understand that there's nothing God can do to help Nigeria if the people of God, the Christians only pray but refuse to take deliberate steps that will make the nation better. 

It seems we don't really understand what Jesus meant by saying “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:13‭-‬16 NKJV

The whole world lies in darkness that's why God made His people light so that we can light the world with our lights until every darkness leaves. 

Darkness is reigning everywhere because we have refused to take responsibility, we refused to do something to the darkness instead we are complaining, crying, and holding the leaders responsible for the failures, problems and hardships in the country. Most of us did not pray until the evil going on in the nation and the hardness began to overwhelm us. 

Most of us who pray are either complaining to God or are asking God to do something when He is waiting for us to do something about the problems.

Every evil you see in the world, our nation Nigeria and everywhere around you are all works of darkness which we are supposed to stop by building men and sending them out to go and shine their lights everywhere until darkness is completely put out. Let's say for example, you are in a room and everywhere is dark because the light has not been put on; supposed there is light bulb in the room with power supply available and you know where the light switch is, if you just sit down and continue to pray or continue to complain about the darkness will light come up in that room? No!

 If you want to see light in the room what would you do? You will simply stand up, go to where the light switch is and turn it on. You don't need to start blaming anybody for not putting the light on because you can put it on. 

We have been busy praying as a church but has refused to let our lights shine, everyone is keeping his light to himself leaving the whole nation to remain in darkness, now that we are all affected by the evil going on in the nation we are complaining and blaming only the leaders for all that is happening but refusing to admit our failures as a church.

We are the salt of the earth according to the words of Jesus and one of the usefulness of salt is preservation, we are to preserve our nation from decay and save it from the dominion of darkness. 

I want you to read that scripture in another translation; Matthew 5:13-16 (MESSAGE BIBLE) "Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You've lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.
"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill.
If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand.
Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand--shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.

It is the Christians who should bring out the God-colors in this world. 

The people wants to see the goodness of God, the righteous, generosity, faithfulness and power of God and this can only happen through us, the church.

 It is the church in Nigeria who must deliver the nation and everything in Nigeria from corruption and decay. The devil is doing all he can to make people see only evil and darkness in the world and also making people focus on him instead of focusing on God that is why you hear majority of the people always talking about what is going on wrongly and how powerful evil men are and we are keeping silent giving the devil freedom to raise men and use them to fulfill his purpose and agenda.

If Nigeria must be better, the Christians must wake up, we must do something with out lights. It is wrong for us to keep expecting only the leaders to do something while we fold our hands and watch especially when the leaders are not people raised by the church to change the world. 

No leader who doesn't have light in himself can light up the nation, it takes someone who has light to shine light for others to see. We allow people who don't have light continue to determine who leads the nation and we are going about crying and complaining.
The destiny of this nation Nigeria is in our hands, if we do nothing, there will not be change in this nation. 

We have been praying, what else are we going to do?

 Are we going to be watching while men who have no real and definite vision for the country continue to lead the nation? If we are praying that certain people should die or vacate offices are we consciously building men and women who can occupy those positions and make things better?

We are asking God to intervene in the affairs of this nation which is a good prayer but if God must intervene there must be men in government offices and political offices who will allow God to use them as instruments of change and transformation so that He can work through them to bring positive and lasting change to the nation but God will not come down to be the president of Nigeria, He will not come and contest in any election, so what is the church doing about that? 

Are we going to continue to watch why wrong people continue to determine what happens and who rules the nation? 

You and I are the church, not the buildings, not the denominations, but the new creations all of us who are save. 

Denomination is a name not a real person, Jesus didn't die for a denomination and he didn't die for buildings He died for men, you and I, if we don't understand this truth we would continue to live in the dark and allowing the devil have free way to execute his plans. 

The whole creations now are earnestly waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God.

 "For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now." Romans 8:19‭-‬22 NKJV

It is you and I, the church, the sons of God who will deliver other creations our nation inclusive from corruption that is why it is dangerous for us to keep quiet and be watching while evil men continue to execute their own evil plans.

If the church buildings remain a place where we go to hide ourselves or separate ourselves from the world, then darkness will rule over us and dominate us. 

The Church buildings are supposed to be schools where people are trained, prepared to take over territories, sectors and offices, people who will go and shine the light of God's word everywhere. What Jesus told us is this; And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:18‭-‬20 NKJV

He didn't tell us to remain in a building, separate or hid ourselves from the world which is what we have been doing, separating ourselves, moving away from the people God expects us to change. If we make people disciples of Christ, they won't yield themselves as instruments of destruction to the devil.

The earth belongs to God and everything that is in it. We are supposed to be in charge, to dominate and subdue the earth but we are leaving the earth for those who work for the devil to manage that is why they run the affairs of the nation the way they like.

It is high time we woke up, become responsible for the peace, wellbeing, progress and development of our nation, consciously building men, send them out to various sectors, government and political offices, industries, etc to light the places up with the light of God that is in them

. If church don't have people she had trained in politics and government offices then there is no way we should expect the leaders chosen by people with selfish ambition and evil desire to lead the nation in the right direction. It takes someone with vision to lead others in the right direction.
Many of our politicians don't have genuine heart for this nation.

 The development and advancement of this nation are not the principal thing in their hearts, many are just looking for opportunity to make themselves rich, but I tell you this, anyone who depends on the wealth, riches and resources of his nation to be rich is a poor man.

 A normal person should not think of how his nation will make him rich or how his position will bring him wealth, we are suppose to make our nation rich. Anyone going to any office in order to accumulate wealth has nothing in him and can't make the nation better.

We must change our thinking first if we truly want positive and lasting change in our nation. We need at this time in this nation people who will bring their wealth and riches to the nation not people who will be stealing from the nation. It is unfortunate that we have not realised that many of our leaders are poor. Many of them are contesting because they know they are poor and want to be rich so many of them have been deceived and wrongly taught that the only way to be rich is to be in government office, what a misery the lives of such people are.

Nigeria is not a poor and will never be a poor country; most of the people in leadership positions in Nigeria are poor and because it is not possible for a poor man to make a rich man richer, those poor leaders are trying to make the nation poor by constantly taking from the nation and giving nothing reasonable to the nation than corruption, kidnapping, terrorism, arm robbery, etc. 

Rich people know and understand the importance of investment, so they always invest, invest, and invest. They don't even care whether they have enough to eat now or not but they know they must keep investing preparing for the future. 

Rich men don't care if it is their children who will enjoy their wealth but they always make sure they invest but the poor people are not that way, the poor wants to spend everything he has or sees available.

 The poor don't invest, they don't understand what it means and they don't understand that a good father is suppose to leave inheritance for his children's children, they want to finish everything now; this is how some of our leaders are, they are poor so they don't understand what investing in the future and destiny of the nation means, they want to eat up everything they are seeing now in the office without thinking about others and those who will take over after them. 

The poor man always want the rich to become poor like him. 

Taking all the government money will never make you rich, true riches is not a measure of how much you have or what you have, that is not prosperity, it is storing up disaster for the future. 

The people you are stealing from now will realise someday that you have been stealing from them and deal more wisely with you, besides, stealing from a person can never make you better than him it only shows how hopeless you are. You don't steal from the person you are better than, you only steal from someone that you know is better than you. 

My people need to understand that they are better than some of our leaders.

If any nation must develop, then she must have leaders who are only and always thinking of what they can give to the nation not people who are only thinking of what they can get or take from the nation. 

Let the church wake up and stand up to her responsibilities in transforming this nation.

Please, share this with your friends, let our people know that the destiny of our nation Nigeria is in our hands. The wealth of a nation is dependent on the wealth of the inhabitants of that nation. We must stop watching, we must move out of our prayer closeth, go out and light up Nigeria.

I want to give my wealth to this nation Nigeria. I can never desire any government office in Nigeria, I can never even aspire to be president of this nation, I don't have to be president of Nigeria before I can give to my nation from my wealth. 

There is nothing Nigeria has to give me but I have many things I'm giving this nation. The generations coming after me should be grateful to God that I was born in this country Nigeria and prepared the ground for them. 

If generations coming after us experience what we are experiencing now in Nigeria, then we have failed. We don't all need to be in government office or be close to them before we can do something, begin where you are, light up the place where you are now and you will see God presenting to you more opportunities to shine your light to more people and impact them. 

One Nigeria! Unity, Peace and Progress for our dear country.


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