Wednesday 8 August 2018

Meet 'Ola Samuel' The Popular Praise Leader at Faith Tabernacle


Do you ever wonder who this amazing ,loving and good looking man is?

 have you ever wonder seeing him worshiping and praising
God and just scream? Or has God ever pour out His Spirit upon you in an unusual way during his ministration ?
I personally  love being under his ministration and love seeing him leading me into worship and thus ascending to the throne room of God.
However if you ever wonder who he is and how he started and long to know more about him,read to the end…

Ola Samuel is the favorite and popular praise leader in winners headquarter FAITH TABERNACLE canaanland Ota Lagos Nigeria,married to Temitope Ola Samuel who  also a great worshiper like her husband.

Ola Samuel is well known for his personality ,excellent in leadership and a die hard follower of God, his favorite
scripture is (Joshua 1: 8)

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
All over him  is  his love and passion for the expanssion and the growth of the Kingdom. 

Just like his father Bishop David O. Oyedepo (Matthew 6 :33) is the center of his life.
Several time has his  spiritual  father, mentor the founder and President of Winner Chapel Worldwide international taking along across the globe on his (Apostolic visitations) among this visitation is the one that happen at Bashorun which is Pastored by the third Bishop in Winners Worldwide  Bishop Thomas Aremu.

Just as usual it was another awesome time in the presence of God as he led everyone directly to the throne of God.

At Bashorun Ibadan after a ministration
Ola Samuel started his journey as a young hot,passionate believer.
Aside singing he’s a instrumentalist as he can play guitar.
He met with destiny at one of the branches of Winners at Raji Oba located in Lagos  Nigeria after WOFBI(WORLD OF FAITH BIBLE INSTITUTE) graduation in year 2010.

He was doing his thing as people always refer to him,he was leading praise and right there the glory of the lord came down , and it was felt by every participant that day ,remember that was year 2010 and because the scripture cannot be broken and the word of the lord says the gift of a man will make room for him, Ola Samuel was called for all the way from canaanland the headquarter to come and be a choir member there, just like Joseph the King sent for him.

Exactly the same way Bishop David Oyedepo will say ,its better to be prepared and missed the opportunity than
opportunity to come and not be prepared. And i will say, opportunity plus preparation equal success and
opportunity without readiness or preparation equal failure.
The time to start that preparation is now, develop that gift within you and let God announce you  to your World in dew season,embrace  it, remember your life is a gift from God to you what you make out  it is your gift to God
Ola Samuel is happily married , working at Covenant university.


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