Monday 6 August 2018


#August2018 #DIGCBlessingSunday #IMFFC2018
ANCHOR SCRIPTURE(S): PSALM 85:8, 23:1-3; PSALM 29:1-3, 11
By: Dr. Paul Enenche

SERVICE OBJECTIVE: Understanding the Blessing of direction 

The Blessing of God travels in the vehicle of the Voice of God
The leading of God is the answer to lack
The worship of God connects you to the Voice and the Voice connects you to the Blessing of God
The presence of worship equals the presence of the voice and the abundance
The worship of God leads us to hear from him and when we hear from Him, the Blessings flow.

1. It is a blessed thing to receive direction from God for life and for destiny 

2. There is a connection between the Blessing of God and the voice of God 
The blessing of God literally travels in the vehicle of the Voice of God 
If you are not ‘pastorless’ you cannot be ‘pastureless’
The arrival of the Blessing is the departure of confusion 

1. Abraham was ushered into the world of the Blessing by the voice of direction (Gen. 12:1-3; 13:2; 24:1)

2. God’s Voice of direction through Elisha ushered the prophet’s widow from financial captivity 
into financial authority (2Kings 4:1-7)
Your receptivity to God can turn your captivity 

3. God’s Voice of direction through the Master to the Apostle Peter led to the supernatural catch of fishes after a season of fruitless labour (Luke 5:1-6)
One Word from God can release the rewards of your wasted labour
The Voice of God is superior to the strategies of man
Direction from God is not a luxury

4. God’s Voice of direction led Abraham to the mountain of Moriah where He discovered God to be Jehovah Jireh (Gen. 22:1-7, 13-14)
Divine Direction is doorway to Divine provision 
The revelation of God as Provider is connected to direction from God 

5. God’s Voice of direction through Elisha resulted in supernatural supplies for the army of Israel in the midst of battle (2Kings 3:16-20)
The Voice of God is the secret of supply in the midst of adversity 
The Voice of God is the secret of victory in battle

6. God’s Voice of direction through the Master to the disciples led to the supernatural production of wine at the wedding of Cana of Galilee (John 2:6-10)
Divine direction is escape route for human frustration 

7. God’s Voice of direction prevented Isaac from making the wrong move and blessed him in the land and season of famine (Gen. 26:1-3, 12-14)
Direction from God is cure for distraction in life
It is God’s Voice that prevents the wrong moves 
God’s Voice leads you to your spot in destiny, and it is on your spot that you shine bright
Direction is the secret of your destination – where you are going is at the mercy of what God is saying to you

8. God’s Voice of direction through Elisha delivered the sons of the prophets from death and connected them to supernatural supplies (2Kings 4:38-44)
i. Direction delivers from destruction
ii. Direction is connection to supernatural provision

9. God’s Voice of direction through the Master Jesus led Peter to supernatural financial harvest (Matt. 17:24-27)
i. If you work for Him and hear His Voice, He pays your bills
ii. The Voice of God is cover for the shame of life (Ps. 34:5)
You cannot have God’s direction and suffer humiliation 

10. God’s Voice of direction caused Jacob to walk in the Blessing against all odds (Gen. 28:11-15, 30:27,42-43; 31:41-42)
i. God’s Voice of direction is key to survival under all climates 
ii. God’s Voice of direction is a Spiritual climate changer 

11. God’s Voice brought direction through the Prophet Elijah that broke the famine in the Nation of Israel (2Kings 7:1-16)
i. The Voice of God is key to supernatural turn around
ii. The Voice of God is key to territorial change

12. God’s Voice of direction through the Master led to an explosion of harvest for the disciples after the resurrection (John 21:1-6) 
i. The Voice of God shows you the right side for the release of effort in order to see result
ii. The Voice of God gives you manifestation beyond expectation (Eph. 3:20)
When the Blessing of God is on you, even your enemies can’t sack you

13. God’s Voice of direction kept Elijah alive in the season of scarcity (1Kings 17:2-6)
i. God’s Voice of direction is a secret of victory over scarcity 
ii. Everything under Heaven bows to the authority of the Word of God 
 Everything under Heaven is under the mandate and authority of the Word of God 

14. The Voice of direction from God through Moses gave the children of Israel supernatural water provision in the wilderness (Exo. 17:6-7)
i. The Voice of God can bring pleasant surprise out of unlikely places 
The Voice of God can bring riches out of rubbish
ii. The Voice of God is the doorway to the realm of all possibilities 

15. God’s Voice of direction led David to the recovery of what the enemy took from him (1Sam.30:1,8-9,18-19)
i. Divine direction is the secret of total recovery 
ii. Divine direction is the doorway to the realm of no loss 

16. God’s Voice of direction ushered Elijah and the widow of Zarephat into the realm of supernatural supplies (1Kings 17: 7-9,15-16)
i. The Voice of God is stronger than the climate of the earth 
ii. The Voice of God is the transmitter of the supplies of God 

17. God’s Voice of direction through Moses gave the children of Israel supernatural food supply in the wilderness (Exo. 16:11-18)
i. The Voice of God is the answer to the need of man (Ps. 78:24-25) 
ii. The Voice of God is theconnector to the warehouse of Heaven

18. God’s Voice of direction through the Master to the disciples showed them the prepared place for the Passover (Mark 14:12-16)
i. The Voice of God connects you to what has been prepared for you that you have not located 
ii. The Voice of God connects you to people relevant to your destiny 

1. The Voice of God carries creative power (Gen. 1:1-3; Heb. 11:1-3)
It doesn’t matter how your life has been, once God speaks into your life and destiny, creation happens!

2. The Voice of God carries the power to put systems under pressure to release their content (Ps. 29:3-9; Heb. 4:12; Luke 5:4-6)

3. The Voice of God carries direction-giving power, showing you what to do and where to go, to see what you need to see. (Matt. 17:24-27; 1Kings 17:3-4)
Where the leading of God is absent, one dies in obscurity 

4. The Voice of God carries liberating power to break limitations and curses (Ps. 105:17-21)

5. The Voice of God carries prophetic power, moving on situations and circumstances causing 
them to turn out according to declaration (2Kings 7:1-10)

6. The Voice of God carries instructive and authoritative power, moving both the earth and angels to do the biding of the Lord (Ps. 103:20; Jer. 22:29)

The absence of Divine direction or instruction is an invitation to disaster (Job 9:4; Ps. 68:6;Prov. 13:18; Deut. 8:3; Ps. 107:11-12; Jer. 7:23-24; Ps. 105:17-24; Prov. 15:32; Ps. 81:10-16; Isa. 48:7,17-19)

It is disastrous to go against Divine instruction 
It is better for the wind (the Holy Spirit) to carry you than for your wings (ability, desires) to carry you (Acts 2:1-4)
Those who follow the wind (the Holy Spirit) go further and faster than those who follow their wings (ability, desires)
It is impossible to rebel against God and see results (Ps. 68:6)
Direction from God is the asset of life
The best place to be on earth is in the centre of the Will of God 
Working without listening is toiling without reward 
Until God is leading you, there is no future in front (Jer. 7:23-24)

1. From the Word of God (1Sam. 3:21; Ps. 29:2-4; Eph. 5:26)
Anyone who has heard God well has read the Word and followed its instruction well

2. From the Spirit of God (Job 32:8; Rom. 8:14)

3. From the Priests of God (Hos. 12:10; Isa. 30:20-21)

Father, thank You for Your Word to us today, we are grateful. Thank You for the privilege of worship and connection, in Jesus’ Name

Father, I cannot rebel against you or Your Word. Open my ears to hear Your Voice from Your Word and open my understanding Lord. Open my ears to hear Your instruction form my life through my prophet, in Jesus’ Name.


Communion of direction; the Blessing of direction is communicated via this communion; every curse that came here with you is broken!


1. Everyone who came in here with any ancestral, generational, occultic, diabolic or witchcraft curse that has been a limitation to your life and destiny, by the mantle and mandate of God on my life, I declare that curse is broken!

2. I prophesy upon you the Blessing of God upon my life, upon this altar and upon this ministry. Whatever is available on this altar and in our lives, whatever testimony you have ever heard in this ministry that you desire in your life, it is hereby released! The month of August shall favour you!

3. You shall fulfil your days! You shall not be cut short before your time! Every arrow of sudden death, destruction, conspiracy or disaster looking for you, your family, your children or your loved ones, the arrow is retrieved and refired back to sender!

4. The month of August opens up for you. Whatever is packaged into this month for you is released for you! This month, systems shall lose their peace, sleep and rest until what is yours enters your hand.

5. The Blessing of direction is released upon you! Whatever area of life you need direction, I declare that your ears, eyes and understanding be opened to know exactly what God is saying to you and what God wants to do with you, in Jesus’ Name.

- Every satanic deposit in your life and destiny, I command it to go NOW!
- The devil that could not kill you before you got connected to this commission, that devil came too late!
- You shall not bury your children! Wherever a grave has been dug for you or your children, those that dug the grave shall take your place in that grave!
- God will rescue you from every wrong move the devil has orchestrated for you!
- Every system around the world holding that which belongs to us is put under pressure now!
- This month, you shall step into a construction that will happen by the Voice of God
- God shall cause you to escape every trap set for you by the enemy and you shall not be put to shame!
-Every curse that followed you is terminated and everything that is not of God in your life is uprooted in Jesus’ Name!


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