Friday 3 August 2018

The Genesis of Poverty

Poverty is quiet prevalent in the nations of the world and a lot of people found themselves in that class of people, living below standard and living essentially for survival, and it’s as though, the good of this world is against them, they are struggling and toiling through life, trying to make something out of their lives and just existing through the time, but this is not the will of God for his Children, now it is very essential that we understand what is the Genesis of Poverty and how did poverty came to be! 

Where did it start from?

Image result for poverty

How come some are Rich and Successful, Prosperous and excelling in their lives and endeavors and others are just moving like  snail?

By God’s Grace, I will be sharing some certain few realities in this article that will be an eye opener to some of the mystery behind Poverty in families, Societies, Nations, Generation and individual lives.

It is good that we know where it starts from, so that we can know how to eradicate it, it is God’s Desire for his people to excel, prosper, success, triumph, be in Health and be very Great! Some of the major factors responsibility for the prevalent Poverty across the World, especially in Africa includes;

Curses: There are people from home, Family Background where certain curses is prevailing and they innocently found themselves in that family and the effect of the Curse is been release and expressed in their lives, majority of people in this category don't even know, many are not sensitive to observe, but you can be sensitive you can look into your family, your mother side and your father side, and Detect what is the prevailing order of existence, and from there, you can know what is wrong, and what needs to be change.

Curses are wicked, evil and demonic utterances that were made and decreed into time and future from the mouth of an agent or a wicked personality, maybe a witch or an occult personality, with the aim of bring certain people into a long term captivity, the power of God is able to break this kind of Curse, on the other side, there are people who misbehave or engage in certain sinful and wicked act and the reward of doing that is a Curse, maybe for instance, something slept with another man's wife, the legitimate Husband might place a Curse on him, in another similar situation, someone might steal something and the rightful place a curse on the thief, just like the Scriptures also place an automatic curse on the Thief, "The Curse of The Lord is in the House of a Theif - Proverbs 3:33". 

These are legitimate or lawful Curses, it is better not to enter into them, than to enter and seek a way out, however, if you are in this situation, you can make your way right back with God and give your Life to Jesus, ask for mercy and tell God to deliver you and he will. Curses limits life and destiny of people, but the goodnews, if you are a born again, you have received Christ, and you are walking in his ways and in the fear of God, you are not permitted to be Curse, because, Christ as redeemed us from the Curse of the Law, been made a curse for us, for it is written, Curse is everyone that hangeth on the tree, that the Blessings of Abraham, might come unto The Gentiles, that through Faith, we might receive the promise of the Spirit. - Galatians 3: 13 - 14. So, the first step out of Curses is Salvation, when you receive Jesus, you are not permitted to be Cursed! You can make a demand on the Blood of Jesus to destroy everything that as been held down by Curses from your background or family line, and you'd be Free!

Bishop Oyedepo once shared a story of when he traveled to a close Country in Africa, the Lord opened his Eyes, and he saw that there is a Curse of Poverty on the land, and he anointed the Land and rebuke the Poverty in Jesus name, and the consequence was that, the Church (God's People) became prosperous to the end that, their offering increase by 600%. 

This is a practical proof that, Curses are responsible for Poverty in certain parts of the world and in the lives of certain people, but you can deal with it on the Altar of Prayer!

I pray for you, anything that wants to come between you and the purpose of God for your life, shall be destroy today in Jesus mighty name, Amen! So in any area of your life, where you see Curses at work, you can rise against it and rebuke it by Prayers!

Lack of Education:

Every Nation, where Education flourishes, Civilization and Development is always the order of the day, it is directly consequential, anywhere Education is enhance, Wealth abounds, because the mind of the people becomes creative in reasoning and coming up with viable ideology to solving Problems of humanity, thus, creating endless Wealth, We need our young people to be equipped and well Educated so that they can make the most of their lives and mind to generate skillful potential Ideas that will change the face of their society, bring about employment opportunity and lots more.

  For Instance; The Discovery of Solar (Sun Power been converted for Domestic Use) is an intellectual exploit, The Sun as always been there, since inception of time, but those who passed through the earth then, were not creative, they could not bring a solution to the problem of sleeping in dark all night, but with solar panel and inverter, many of us have light running in our houses throughout the day and Night, thus, bringing about effective living and industrial growth, many companies are now opting in for Solar due to consistent availability  of Power.

So Education grants knowledge which transform the state of people’s mind and help them to be creative in the works of their hands and endeavors, which brings out the best in them and make them saviours to their World. The first step to successfully eradicate Poverty in the Society is to encourage Education among the young people, There are too many people who have never been to school and they are poor, they are liability to their family and the society, research also shows that, we tend to have larger crime rate when people are not employed and the only cure to this is Education.

Lack of Understanding: The Bible says ‘Give me Understanding and  I shall live! Psalm 119:144 from that Scripture, we realize that one of the requirements for Living at the Best is Understanding, But Understanding here means what? It means ‘Knowing the Right Thing and how to do them!

This is very essential to eradicate Poverty and live in our full potentials and ability, you need to have understanding about the subject matter of your Purpose in Life, many people lack the understanding of themselves and their assignment, due to that, they are wandering up and down the earth, they live casually. Vision and Purpose discovery is a major key when it comes to Eradicating Poverty, this is where many missed it, you cannot access the resources God has in stock for you except by the weapon of Vision and Purpose Discovery, it is via what you do that, God will usher his Blessings to your hands and eradicate poverty, so you have the responsibility of going to God in prayers, seeking God in prayer, another key is paying quality attention to your environment and what you love doing, this way you will be able to discover where your potentials lies and your gifting, most people don’t pay attention to this part, and it’s very important if you must eat in plenty as God intended.  

Understanding your Purpose is a major key that bails out of poverty and grant access into Prosperity.

Laziness and Slothfulness: This is terrible, the Bible says ‘Not Slothful in Business; Fervent in Spirit, serving the LordRomans 12:11.

 It takes working hands for you to be prosperous, your hands can not be idle and you are prosperous, an idle hand prospereth not! There are too many people around the world who are massively lazy. 

This is a tool in the hand of The Enemy to afflict people with Poverty, we must take note! We need to take responsibility, don’t give any excuses for your current situation and condition, rather go and take responsibility for the changes that you want, I’ve seen a lot of people, youths in Nigeria and some other Africa countries, this is going to have a resultant effect on the Economy of the nation.

It takes diligence for us to Succeed and Excel like God purposed for us, looking at our fathers of Faith, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, they were all hard working, they weren’t lazy, and God prospered them greatly, it cut across all sphere of live, Academics, Ministry, Business, Agriculture, Industries and all of that, those who are working hard with extra effort, will always have more results to show.

The Bible says ‘Seeth thou a Man Diligent in his Business? He shall stand before Kings; he shall not stand before mean men! Proverbs 22:29.

We must identity and destroy every root of Laziness and Slothfulness in our lives, God created the heaven and earth, he is not a lazy God, and we should learn from him to work hard and be diligent and when this is secured, we are sure of securing his Blessings in all of our endeavors.

The Bible says ‘Whatsoever Your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave, whither thou goest”. – Ecclesiastes 9:10. So from the Scriptures above, we can see that to alleviate Poverty, we must be hard working and not slothful or lazy, The mind is the center of creativity and it must be engaged continually for it to be productive.

Most of the discoveries that as changed the world and made it a better place today, were from the hands of highly diligent people, those who took the time, pain and sacrifice to discover and come up with the solutions and our world is a beneficiary today, a good example is Thomas Edison that discovered the Incandescent Light Bulb.

  Unwanted Pregnancy: This is common among the Youths in Africa, Nigeria especially, ladies need to be very discipline, because many of them have lost their visions, goals, purpose, pursuit, destiny to unwanted pregnancy and premarital sex, it’s a very disgusting issue, too many of our young ladies kept falling victim of this act, and it is a major root cause of Poverty in Nigeria, the time they ought to have spend developing their lives and destiny to make something meaningful out of It, due to uncontrolled relationship and indiscipline, many of them have engaged in what they should not and life becomes more complicated.

There are certain running that you can only do while you are Single, that will greatly impact and influence your family and marriage when you later get married, but failure to prepare is preparing to fail, when you don’t take the time out to really plan your life and family life, anything goes is what happens.

This as been a weapon tool in the hand of the enemy and many ladies, even Undergraduates kept falling victim of it, in the name of getting result, securing a Job or contract, many people fall into compromise and their lives and destiny get truncated, you need to take a stand for God genuinely and know that he is more than enough to take care of you.

Nigerians also tend to have multiple wives, build a polygamous family and they end up not having enough money to take care of them, the little that is available ends up been utilized and the poverty kept building up, this is not God’s Will, it is due to lack of proper planning, that many people fall into this trap, Young people needs to be well informed and decide in their heart to live for God and to please God and do his Will always.

As a matter of fact, I am of the believe and opinion that, young people should not get married without having any viable Job or Business at hand, there is more to marriage than love and intimacy, it comes with a lot of responsibility and you must check and ensure you are up to the task before you embark on it.

Staying Pure in Relationship ahead of Marriage is God’s Will and it also helps you secure Destiny and Purpose in Life, seeing young ladies who are not working and not able to feed themselves yet taking in pregnancy is not encouraging at all, its highly disgusting!

Parents, Spiritual leaders, counselors, Guidance and School systems need to play a major role in this aspect in other to successfully eradicate this practice that brings people into Poverty.

Disobedience to God: God is our Creator and he has given us a Blueprint to live our lives, most times, when we are not in alignment with God and his Will, we suffer a lot of deficiency and one of them is ‘Poverty’ God as an agenda to Bless us and raise us, but when we say NO to Jesus, we don’t have access to what he can offer, he as so much to offer but until we say ‘YES LORD!’

 It won’t be a reality, most of the Blessed and Wealthiest Nations of the world are Nations that have declared YES to Jesus! Most of the war abiding Nations are still against Jesus, God and the Church, they just don’t want to give an Opening to the Glorious Gospel of Christ; and the devil perpetually frustrate, afflict and oppress them, the same applies to individuals. If you don’t follow the word of God, you won’t secure, the Blessings, What Did God’s says? The Bible says; In Malachi 3:8 - 11
8 “Will a man rob God?
Yet you have robbed Me!
But you say,
‘In what way have we robbed You?’
in tithes and offerings.
9 You are cursed with a curse,
For you have robbed Me,
Even this whole nation.
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,”
Says the Lord of hosts,
“If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
11 “And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes,
So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground,
Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,”
Says the Lord of hosts;
This is the Word of the Lord, until you are a Tither, the heavens will not be open, Tithe talks about 10% of your income, salary and returns from your hand Work, Business and Endeavors, the Bible also talks about the Blessings that comes from Service, it says, Ye shall serve the Lord thy God, he shall bless your bread and water - Exodus 23:25. So you must be and remain in Active Service in order to get Blessed! This is the ways of God, which commands the acts of God, anytime we walk in Disobedience, we don't lay hold of the Blessing! 

Another Disobedience is SIN and UNRIGHTEOUSNESS! Many people are unfaithful to God and to themselves, for instance; a husband is not been faithful to his Wife, he cheats on her every now and then, earns salary and spend larger part of the salary on Strange Women, its a very awful but predominant occurrence in our society, so many people are not God fearing again, someone is collecting an amount as salary which is not sufficient to take care of the family, yet, he takes out of it to buy Alcohol and smoke, womanize, engage in prostitution, such a life needs Jesus and such a life can never be Bless!

 It takes high Level of Righteousness to experience God's Abundance. Until your obedience to God is full, you can not lay hold of the Blessing, in Malachi 3, we found out that Poverty is  a Curse, which grants access to the devourer to afflict people. Obedience to God makes God to rebuke the devourer over our lives and endeavors. 

Above All, Seeking God and the interest of his Kingdom first, is the key to Blessing, and Blessing is the end to poverty, we have had to share both the Physical and Spiritual approach to this issue of Poverty talking about the God's Perspective to it, his instructions, prescription and all of that, so that we can know how to align, obey and reap the benefits.

I know, there are some people out there, who will rather, complain and hold government responsible for the massive poverty in various Nations across the world, but the truth is, Government aren't your problem, God can bless and raise you beyond the government, as much as there is an important role for Nations Leaders to play in National Development and Wealth distribution, we needed to share you the keys that has the tendencies to lead to Poverty so that you can avoid them, and rather embrace the keys that grants Access into a lifestyle of Abundance and Prosperity. If every one of us plays our individual roles in our Nation, the government will be dazed and will come and learn from us, Joseph, Daniel in their days, were showing the government viable solutions to various situations, this is what God as called us to do!

  Thank you for reading, God bless you, we actually intend writing this into a Book that will be published soon, we have a lot to share with the world in this direction and we are sure, on the strength of the information been shared, People's Lives will be transformed, Amen!

Written by Akanni Tolu Matthew'.


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