Friday 10 August 2018

The Profit of Divine Direction - Dr Paul Enenche

By: Dr. Paul Enenche

SERVICE OBJECTIVE: Understanding the benefits of direction from God


1. The availability of direction is a great asset of destiny and the absence of direction is a major disaster of destiny
2. The strength of Divine direction determines the strength of human destiny; you can’t be guided and be grounded in life
3. Every effort put forth to arrive at Divine direction is a worthwhile effort.


1. Divine direction is key to Divine provision (Ps. 23:1-2; 1Kings 17:2-6; John 21:4-6; Matt. 17:27; Prov. 13:18; Isa. 48:21a)
It is never possible to lack supplies when connected to His Voice
The absence of direction equals the abundance of starvation (Deut. 8:3)
The Voice of God will do for you what bread can’t do for you
2. Divine direction is key to life and destiny restoration (Ps. 23:3; Isa. 48:17)
Divine direction is what causes you to retrace your steps when you have made the wrong move
Without direction mistakes and errors are unavoidable
No matter how far you went in the wrong direction, a U-turn is possible if you have discovered it.
Never jump into a sinking ship in an attempt to save it
3. Divine direction is key to Divine protection (Ps. 23:4; Prov. 23:4; 15:32)
Where direction is present, protection is inevitable
Where God leads, He backs, and when He backs, nothing can face you
‘Person wey no wan hear Word, no like himself’ (Prov. 15:32)
4. Divine direction is key to distinction in life and destiny (Ps. 23:5; Isa. 60:1; Ps. 105:17-21)
The light of Divine direction is key to destiny distinction (Isa. 60:1)
5. Divine direction is key to the unction in life and destiny (Ps. 23:5; 89:19-20)
You cannot carry an empty head when you hear His Voice
6. Divine direction is the secret of peace and tranquillity in life (Ps. 85:8; 23:1-2)
The easy way to know you are in the right direction is the presence of peace and the presence of tension signals the wrong direction
Crisis signals the absence of peace
7. Divine direction is key to power (Ps. 29:3-9)
You cannot be connected to God’s Voice and be bankrupt of power
8. Divine direction is key to victory over the enemy (Isa. 30:31; 2Chron. 20:14-17)
9. Divine direction is key to acceleration for life and destiny (Hab. 2:1-2; Luke 3:21-23)
The Voice of God is pregnant with force for motion
The Voice of God is a destroyer of stagnation; to know what to
10. Divine direction is key to Divine Presence (Ps. 23:2-4, 32:8, 16:11, 114:1-7; Isa. 45:1-3)
God cannot speak outside His Presence


1. Desperation for direction (Hos. 6:3; Phil. 3:10-14)
When you know that your life depends on something, you don’t play with it; don’t play with God
Insight follows interest!
Be more serious about God leading you than you are about eating food
2. Separation for direction (Hab. 2:1-3; Gen. 32:24; Acts 13:1-2)
When it is a strategic decision, don’t handle it casually; let God know you are serious
3. Obedience for direction (Mark 4:24; Matt. 7:6)
God does not waste instruction on the disobedient
Your sense of value determines the flow of His Voice.


Father, I come before You tonight, I appreciate You. Father, I value Your Voice. Help me with greater desperation to hear You. Give me the discipline for separation to hear You. Father, I am sorry for any area of disobedience. Show me Lord the areas I need to work on to hear You Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


- Communion of Divine direction; by this Communion, ears, eyes, hearts and spirits open to Divine direction; every yoke of spiritual blindness and deafness is broken!


1. Every verdict of hell that followed you here, I declare that verdict is cancelled!
2. Whatever the devil has called impossible in your life, I declare to you, it is now made possible!
3. That good report that you have been expecting – health report, career or destiny report, under
the next 24 hours, that report is now in your hands!
4. God will multiply your changes of level; receive multiple changes of direction, and multiple
new beginnings shall be your portion in Jesus’ Name
5. I decree on this special day, God shall give you a special visitation under 24 hours in Jesus’ Name.


The rule of terror is over in Nigeria
The rule of oppressors is over in Nigeria
The rule of wickedness is over in Nigeria
Jesus is Lord over Nigeria.


- Every reproach on your life, every spell of rejection, disfavour, every spirit of inferiority, today, they are expired in Jesus’ Name!
- Whatever has weighed down your life is leaving you today and within 24 hours of this declaration, a 24 hour miracle shall locate you in Jesus’ Name
- What others are looking for will come to you on a platter of gold
- When they are looking for who to select, even if it is one person that shall be taken, you will be the one!
- Every demonic spirit fighting your life is leaving you now in the Name of Jesus!


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