Sunday 12 August 2018

Who Needs to Die For Me To Succeed in Life?

I've found out that many of the things we do, think and accept to be the norms, the normal thing are the real things causing problems for many of us, they are indirectly working against our lives and destinies. 

These are the reasons many keep fighting battles everyday, one battle after the other.

There's only one way that guarantees continuous victory which Jesus teaches, no other way than that one way, that's the way I want to teach you here.

    It is wrong to keep fighting the enemies every now and then. If we have to keep fighting the enemies everyday, what then has Jesus accomplished for us?

 I know this will contradict the theology and the beliefs of some people, in case you are one of such people I want you to please, patiently read everything and then challenge me in the comments section.

Jesus says; “I have told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have troubles. But be brave! I have defeated the world!” John 16:33 ERV

The world refers to the devil who is our real enemy, all agents of darkness (the small enemies who work for the devil), all the evil in the world, the world's systems, and everything that used to and will ever stand against God's people. 

Jesus says He had defeated them, now we should have peace in Him because only in Him can we have that peace we desire and to be in Jesus is to be in His words, any step out of the words of Jesus is a step into the world, you are either completely in the word or you are in the world, doing part of he word will never guarantee continuous victory, it is doing everything the word says that guarantees peace in Jesus and peace in Jesus guarantees victory over the world.

 Today, many of God's people have lost their peace in Jesus and live their lives everyday in fear of the enemy and the unseen that's why you see and hear many of God's people always praying against the enemy, cursing them and praying that they die. 

I am not saying the enemies should not die, every tree that is not bearing good fruit will be cut down, the word says that; what I am saying is this, it is wrong to live your life in fear of the enemies and the unknown, spending your precious time that you should spend in fellowship with God and His words in fighting with an enemy that had been defeated is not okay. Why fighting the battle that had been won already in your favour?

 It's unfortunate that many of God's people don't know that the strategy of the enemy is to distract us from God and His word to focus on him and the challenges. 

He wants us to always be busy with him, the challenges, the problems and other things that are not really relevant by casting a wrong image that is not real before us. The devil is a failure forever, he had been defeated and paralysed because of us so that we can enjoy peace and victory in Jesus.

There is only one way to victory
Jesus told us in His words and He also taught us how to live a life of continuous victory over the devil and all enemies everyday. 

Here's what Jesus says;

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemies.’ But I say to you, love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you.  If you do this, you will be true children of your Father in heaven. He causes the sun to rise on good people and on evil people, and he sends rain to those who do right and to those who do wrong. If you love only the people who love you, you will get no reward. Even the tax collectors do that. And if you are nice only to your friends, you are no better than other people. Even those who don’t know God are nice to their friends. So you must be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:43‭-‬48 NCV

The only way to walk in continuous victory is to live according to the words of Jesus. He says we should love our enemies, we should pray for those who hurt us, and bless those who curse us. These are things many of us find difficult to do but it is the only way we can enjoy the peace of God and walk in continuous victory over the enemies. 

The normal and carnal mind can't accept these sayings of Jesus; why should I love someone I know is against my life, my success, my family and every good thing I desire in life?

 Why should I pray for someone I know derives joy in hurting me? Why should I bless someone I know is always wishing me evil and praying evil prayers against me?

We all need to understand that if we continue to live our lives according to our minds, senses, what is normal and generally acceptable by men, and according to our feelings, nothing will ever change for good and if at all there is any change it will be for a short time, if there would be a positive and lasting change, we must live by God's word. 

We need to understand that our enemies are no longer a problem because their master the devil had been defeated for us and since their master had been defeated and paralysed forever there's nothing his messengers can do. 

We need to see all enemies as people who have yielded themselves to the devil to use and since the devil has been defeated, there's nothing these little devils can do. If we don't understand this, we would be living in ignorance and that ignorance will always give the devil the advantage and the opportunities to strike.

You must understand that hatred is of devil, if you chose to hate someone simply because you know that the person hates you, hates your success, hates your family, it means you have also yielded yourself as an instrument of hatred to the devil, and you must understand that when two people who yielded themselves to the devil begin to fight, it is the stronger one that always wins. 

The power of God can't work in your favour if you harbour hatred for any enemy or any man in you.

I want to say this and I stand to be challenged, it is the hatred people have for their enemies and other people that always make them pray against the enemies and certain men they see as enemies just because such people disagree with them on certain issues and even go to extent of praying for their death. 

You can't pray evil prayers for someone you love.

 You can't wish dead someone you love. Many of us don't understand the ways of God, we are doing things our own way and we expect God to move in our favour, it's not possible.

 His ways are not the ways of men, we have to understand that and consciously do things His own ways if we want Him to always work in our favour.

Many of us pray, pray, and pray but still there are no changes, how do you expect God to answer evil prayers or prayers that are full of cursing because you are praying them from your senses, you are praying according to your feelings and what you think is the normal thing? God is good and cannot behold evil.
The Bible says; "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." I John 5:14 NKJV
God does not and will never answer any evil prayer, it is the devil who answers evil prayers, so if you see any one pray evil prayers and evil happen, it is not God who executed that evil, it is the devil who does that, so why should I spend my time praying prayers that it is the devil who will answer? I want to pray to God, not to the devil. God does not live in the realm of the senses, He lives in His word that's why I want to pray His word all the time. If you are praying evil prayers against someone, other people will also be praying evil prayers against you and if your own evil prayers would be answer, their's will also be answered, but when you know that someone is praying evil prayers against you and you chose to bless the person, you will be rendering his evil prayers powerless because God will work with you and in your favour. God doesn't stay with evil men and is never in evil words.

God will never answer any prayer you pray against His will. What is the will of God concerning you and your enemies, those who are against your success and your peace? The will of God is: love all your enemies, pray for those who hurt you and bless all the people you know are cursing you. When you pray this way, you will always walk in victory because you are walking in love with all men. Walking in love is walking in God and walking in God is walking in victory. There's is only one way to a life of continuous victory, it is the way of love, the way of the words of Jesus.

Jesus is our role model today. We don't live under the Old Covenant,  Jesus came to fulfill the Old Covenant, which He did, today, we live under the New Covenant. Under the Old Covenant, the devil had authority to do whatever he likes against the people successfully, but under the New Covenant, that same old devil had been defeated, the authority had been taken away from him, he is now helpless, powerless, and toothless, there's nothing he can do against you except you give room to do against you. Do not let the devil have anything in you, don't give him any foothold. Hatred is of the devil, cursing is of the devil, every evil thought and plan is of the devil,  lying is of the devil, immorality is of the devil and all the acts that are against the words of God.

The people who must die if you must enjoy the peace of God and absolute victories all the days of your life are:

  1. Ignorance,
  2. Flesh and all its feelings,
  3. Selfishness, and
  4. Foolishness

And the only person who must live is Jesus and His words, if you do this, nothing will be able to stop your peace and victory.
Live in peace and enjoy victory every day of your life in Jesus name. Amen.


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