Friday 23 October 2015

Engaging Kingdom Mysteries for Sweatless Triumph in Life - 2015 Liberation Conference


The Secret of God is packaged in Mysteries
  • Just as the triumph of light over darkness is sweatless, so is the triumph of divine secret over life situations and circumstances is sweatless – Jn. 1:1-5/9
  • When we are illuminated by the truth of divine secret, we dominate over circumstances without sweat – Is. 60:1-3
  • But the secret of God is only accessible to them that fear Him – Ps. 25:14
  • Engaging divine secret made Job the greatest businessman of his day – Job 1:1-3/ Job 29:4-18
  • There is a God in heaven that reveals secrets – Dan. 2:28
  • It is access to divine secrets that makes stars in the kingdom – Gen. 41:15-16/38-44
  • What is called the secret of the Lord in the Old Testament is what we call mysteries in the New Testament – Eph. 3:1-5/8-11
  • We may teach kingdom secrets but only God can reveal them – Deut. 29:29/ Dan. 2:28/ Ps. 119:18
  • But we must note that kingdom secrets are full of simplicities, this is why most believers miss out of them – 2Cor. 11:3

For example, God speaking to me from Matt. 16:18, said:
  • No one can prevail against the gates of hell by himself.
  • And because any church owned by man must be built by the man.
  • And this is why no church owned by a man grows.
  • But Christ will only build His own church – Matt. 16:18
  • The church He purchased by His own blood – Acts 20:28
  • The reason why this church is advancing sweatlessly is because the owner is allowed to own it and no force in hell can stop the church that Christ is building.
  • This is why we do not own this church as a people neither do I own this church as a privileged founder
  • No one has ever heard me say, ‘my church’.

My Encounter with Kingdom Secrets
  • ‘Seek ye first my kingdom and all its interest and all the things that others are dying to get shall be added unto you’ – Matt. 6:33 (12th Sept., ’76)
  • ‘We are seated far above’ – Eph. 2:6/ Eph. 1:20-21 (July ’79)
  • ‘But thou shall not borrow because the borrower is servant to the lender’ – Deut. 15:6/ Pro. 22:7/ Matt. 6:23-24 (4th Oct. ’81)
  • ‘Show me the secret of Kingdom Prosperity’ – Mar. ‘82
  • ‘You have two eyes; can you make one to look up and the other to look down?’ Pro. 34:5 (6th Sept., ’83)
  • ‘I am committed to leading you if you are committed to following me’ – Is. 48:17 (1stOct. ’83)
  • ‘Get up and follow me’ – Church growth mystery unveiled – Matt. 16:18/ Jn. 1:46/ Lk. 8:11/ Ps. 23:2 (24th Mar. ’84)
  • ‘I open heaven over institutions, organizations, companies including churches’ – Heb. 7:1-8 (4th Sept. ’87)
  • ‘As for thee also, stand here by me’ – Deut. 5:31 (31st Dec. ’93)

To access kingdom secrets:
  • One must be born again – Mk. 4:11
  • One must filled with the Holy Spirit – 1Cor. 2:10-11
  • One must make the fear of God his lifestyle – Ps. 25:14/ Job 1:1-3/9/ Job 29:1/ Gen. 39:9/ Gen. 42:18/ Gen. 41:38-44/ Dan. 1:8/ Dan. 2:16-19
  • One must be genuinely in love with God – Is. 41:8/ James 2:23/ Gen. 18:17-18/ Jn. 15:15/ 1Cor. 2:9-10/ Rom. 8:35-38/ Eph. 3:1-5/8-11
  • One must engage the prayer altar for access to kingdom secrets – Jer. 33:3/ Matt. 7:7-8/ Dan. 2:16-19/ James 4:1-2 (ENCOUNTERS OF 24/3/84 and 17/5/97)
  • One must engage in a spirited search in the word and meditation – Pro. 25:2/ Is. 26:9/ Lk. 15:7-8/ Jer. 29:13 (ENCOUNTERS OF 22/3/82 and 23/7/77)
  • One must engage in intense praise and worship – Is. 30:29-31 (ENCOUNTER OF DEC. 1987)

But we must take responsibility for our Personal Encounter – Lk. 16:16
  • Everyone is absolutely responsible for the outcome of his life – Is. 51:1-3
  • Everyone in a race run but only one receives the prize, so run that you may obtain – 1Cor. 9:24
  • You must dive into every opportunity for an encounter – Jn. 5:1-4
  • It is our personal encounter that will result in our personal advancement and enlargement – Gen. 32:24-28

Mysteries are divine secrets embedded within the stories of Scriptures

  • The Holy Communion empowers us to live like Christ – Jn. 6:48-58
  • The Blood of Sprinkling is our covering against all satanic assaults – Ex. 12:21-25/ Heb. 9:19-21/ 1Cor. 5:7/ Heb. 12:22-24
  • The Anointing Oil is our seal for conquest in the battles of life – Ex. 30:22-25/30-31/ (Mk. 6:7/12-13/ James 5:14-15/ 1Sam. 16:13/ 1Sam. 10:1-12)
  • The Feet washing enforces the release of our hanging inheritances – Jn. 13:4-17
  • Feet washing is a mystery that empowers our access to all things Christ has purchased for us in redemption – Jn. 13:4-5
  • It is a medium for the delivery of our balance of inheritance – Jn. 13:8

Blood Cancer Destroyed Via Feet-washing
Between 2010 and January 2013, I spent almost 75% ample time in the hospital. I was diagnosed of full-blown “BLOOD CANCER” precisely LYMPHOMA.
On January 11, 2013, I laid lifeless on the hospital bed.

I connected to one of the services in Canaanland via the internet and it was a Feet Washing Service.
When I heard the Bishop’s voice, it energized me. I stood to follow his instructions to get a bowl of water for the feet washing.
 Although, I was in excruciating pain, but was desperate for my healing.
During the feet washing session, I dipped my feet into the bowl of water, all I did was rub and scrub one foot with the other and said ‘Amen’ to the Bishop’s prayer.

Right there, I slept off for about 20minutes. 
When I woke up, I felt a tremendous change in my body – the pains had vanished, my legs became lighter and I felt real peace and joy.
Amazingly, the colour of the water in the bowl had completely changed to a palm wine-like colour.
 Immediately, I knew God had rescued me. 
I am finally healed!” —Mr. Bidemi

Delivered From Three-Year Pregnancy!
I was pregnant for three years and had gone to several churches, including offering sacrifices to idols for a solution, but to no avail.
In the process, my husband died in a motor accident, until I met a Zonal minister who witnessed Christ to me and invited me for the Mid-week Service, which was also a Feet Washing Service.
During the service, the Bishop said we should tell the God of this Commission what we wanted.
 I prayed to God that I wanted to deliver my baby after the Feet-washing.
After I dipped my leg into the water, immediately, I started feeling strange pains. The pain was so much that my baby changed position.
Miraculously, I delivered my baby without any operation. I give God all the glory!” —Adenike E. A.

Miracle Job
“After I graduated in 2000, from the University of Benin, no job was forthcoming.
In that frustration, I travelled to Lagos to learn a trade that I would afterwards set up in Warri.
One day, I met an old friend who invited me to Canaanland. I came on September 25, 2005, and it was a Feet Washing Service.
While the Bishop ministered, he declared, ‘Henceforth, the dignity of Christ will trail all your steps and the grace of God will manifest itself in every area of your life.’ I claimed and confessed that prophetic word continuously from that day.

Shortly after, I applied for a position in a company and was invited for an interview. I didn’t know what to say or do, but prayed: ‘Lord, you will honour your word.’
All through the interview, I kept hearing that prophetic word from the Bishop.
Behold, only two candidates were picked and I was the first! To God be the glory!” —Oganah C.

Jesus is Lord!


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