Thursday 22 October 2015

My Experience While Bringing The Gospel of Jesus Christ To Africa, Nigeria - Reinhard Bonnke

My Experience While Bringing The Gospel of Christ To Nigeria

Reinhard Bonnke

Reinhard Bonnke Explains

The gospel of God is the passion of the servant of God and the great evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, he as commit himself unto the assignment of soul winning for many years and God that has called him, as ever been faithful to his call, confirming it with so many signs and wonders,  in one of his sermons, reinhard bonnke share the testimony of his missionary calling especially to Africa and there is a lot to learn from this story, I have decided to write it out from that sermon and am so very sure it will bless your soul.

Reinhard Bonnke said – I was born in a Pentecostal church, and to a Pentecost parents, my father was a pastor  I had passion for God and at age 10, I hear the lord sending me to preach the gospel to the world especially to Africa, at age 27, I was in Africa to preach the gospel of Christ in LA Sutu in southern Africa when I arrive there, my first discovery was that Africa had not been waiting for me, the people are not interested in what I have to say, sometimes I speak to 5 people, just “5” that was an Olympic record!

 So I cried unto God and I say Lord This cannot be! 
This can’t be my target 5 ? 
Even the 5 are not ready to give their lives to Christ.  

This can not be the effect of the glorious gospel that we have in the word of God, and at night, God gave me a dream, and in the dream I saw  the whole map of Africa, and I saw how the country was washed by the whole Precious blood of Jesus and I heard a voice cried, that penetrated my whole bone and marrow, AFRICA SHALL BE SAVED!!! 

When I woke up, I was feeling the heavy anointing of the holy ghost filled the room, and then my own Germany brain begin to think again, now the voice says Africa shall be saved? 
What about La Sutu?

Well, God continue to show me the same dream for 4 consecutive times, and then I said to my wife, I think God is trying to tell me something, And I then I said I began to shout Africa shall be saved!!!

I left La Sutu, and I started my 1st crusades at Bostwana, and all of a sudden I saw a crowd of thousand people crying for the conviction of sin  and receiving Jesus as their lord and savior, and then I continue we begin to have 10,000 to 12,000 and then to 34,000.
AT a time, I was in India to preach and my missionary team in Africa had a crusade and it was a total catastrophe and I was told, they were weeping but I wasn’t moved, sooner the word of prophecy came and the lord said from now henceforth, my Glory will be your canopy.
After this I further went to South Africa, we had 70,000 and I left for Malawi, we had 150,000 – 300,000 – 500,000 and even up to 1.6 Million in a single service, and then I said to my team, if Jesus keeps saving souls like this then one day the devil will have to sit alone in heal, I wish this was true actually because hell was never created for people but for the devil.
Reinhard Bonnke in a Crusade of  millions plus in Nigeria

  So don’t misunderstand me when I say – To Hell with the devil and Heaven to the People!!!
After one of these meetings, preaching to so many people, I said to my wife, I think this is God’s maximum and the Holyspirit rebuked me and said God as no maximum!  - God as no maximum!!!
I keep crossing to countries upon countries in Africa, except some of the northern part that have not been able get access to yet, and most of times people ask me why did you come to this country that is not even a Christian country?
I tell them; I don’t know about you but I already see this country washed in the precious blood of Jesus!!!

On one occasion in Nigeria, my team and I were almost killed, it was in the city of Kano in the north, riot broke out and the fanatical groups try to hunt us down, but thank God they couldn’t find us,  after that time I couldn’t get a Visa to Nigeria,  for 9years I couldn’t get a Visa to NIGERIA, and Nigeria population-wise is by far the largest country in Africa.  But one door is close we don’t sit in front of it, we move to others because we believe 100 doors will be opened and after all, Jesus said go ye into the entire world, so we are not restricted!
So I went to the country of the republic of Benin, and one afternoon the phone rang and I picked, I was told the ex-president wanted to speak with me and he is a atheist and I am a hot evangelist, so I asked are you he wants to talk to me? 

 The response was Yes! 
So I said I am coming!!!

When I got there he said Mr Boonke I have watched two of your Videos and I have decided to call you because I want to get saved properly, I was so blessed and I have never heard anyone said, he wanted to get saved properly, so immediately I picked out my Bible and preach to him properly and Jesus saved him properly and 2 hours later, I said am sure this man is truly born again, it’s just a pity he is an Ex-president.

The following year I took a flight to Cotonou and for the first time in my Life I had a red carpet and they said to me, the state president has sent his limousine to convey you and you now what? 

The ex-president is no more ex, he is now in Power! 
I tell you, I sat in that Limousine, blue light in front, blue light at the back, I tell you, I love it!

I said to myself, I am the ambassador of the king of kings and the Lord of lords, Halleluyah!!!

When I arrived at the palace I was excited to see the man who desires to be properly saved last year, he is truly truly saved now, and I asked him – sir’ I heard that you are a friend to the president of Nigeria, he said, Yes! We are like Twins – I said that is wonderful!

 So I asked him, can you help me get a Visa to Nigeria? He said Yes I think I can do that, to cut the long story short, I couldn’t get a Visa to Nigeria.

Few days later, THE President of Nigeria sent his Private Jet to pick me up without a Visa, Ah! I was so happy, I heard a 4hours long talk with the president of Nigeria so with wisdom I started changing our talks to preaching an at every point when I want to save him, he will say 


 Am a Muslim..! 

So I told him it doesn’t matter the love of Jesus, covers everyone and doesn’t discriminate, so he said continue… continue, after our meeting that day he told me – You and your team can come on to Nigeria with your Gospel Crusade, 2 months after I was told the president died of Heart Attack and all the doors closed again!!

I went to the Republic of Benin and I asked – Excuse me sir, is the new president of Nigeria also your twin?
 He said no I just meet him this afternoon, So I left.

But in the afternoon my phone rang again, so the person said He is an ex-Nigeria General, - General Olusegun Obasanjo, and he wanted to meet me, so I came and we met, He exclaimed! 

Oh! Pastor Bonnke have read your books please come in and let us pray! 
Oh! I found that General a true born again Christian, so I said General! 
Can you help me get a Visa to Nigeria?


So he told me, try the government, if it’s not working, here is my phone number, call me, the next day I heard the General Obasanjo as put in for the presidency in Nigeria, when I heard that I went on my knees I only had one prayer for the next 2months, God let Obasanjo win and Bonnke is IN!
And he won!!!

When I saw the newspaper release that Obasanjo is now the president, I remove the paper out f my pocket and dial his number, and then  I told him, Your Excellence President Obasanjo please when Can I come? 

(I said all that in one breath) and He replied immediately!!!  I told him Am on my way.
Hallelujah!!! God as means and ways without number!!!
Before I went for my first crusade in Nigeria, I had a conversation with the devil, and I said you have kept me out of Nigeria for 9years and now I want a recovery of 900%; and to God be the glory, since then I had a massive crusade with such a great multitude of soul coming to Jesus.

Since 2000, we had over 38.5Million souls won for Jesus in Nigeria, This is Mind Blowing!!!

That is three times the population of Australia, and I want to encourage you God can save Australia in a Week, I tell you am getting exploded with Faith!!! 

I see no impossibility!
God is so faithful, We save  a mighty God, the great commission is till very simple – Go ye, into all the world and preach the gospel to all nations – It’s so comprehensive!!!
 I was privilege to be in a ministerial meeting and then came the Questions for every attendees, give three (3) Reasons whey Jesus Died and everyone began to give 3 reasons but when it’s my turn, I said I have more than three reasons and I was asked how many reasons have you gat?

I said I have 6 Billion, 2 Million Reasons why my precious Jesus died!

Every Human being is one reason, for which Jesus died, and he will not be satisfied with minority saved in heaven, I will always tell you heaven is going to be bigger than Hell.
I said this same thing in a german church and the elders asked me what did you just say?

Heaven is going to be bigger than Hell?

Did you forgot when the bible says Broad is the way to hell? And many people follow through that part? 


I feel bad, some elders need to go back to Bible School, so I told them the bible verse you just read now, re-enforce that; listen to this, it is true that vast majority are on the way to hell, but when Jesus spoke about it, when he spoke about this high way to hell, He blocked the high way with his Cross!!!

And till now that cross is the greatest blockage of the road that as saved the worst of sinners and brought them to repentance. When we sat at the foot of the cross what we do is preach Repent!!!

The word Repent means change of mind’ change of direction and when there are many people on the way to hell, they don’t get there because they change their mind and direction – that’s how it works!!!

Ministers and pastors of this age needs the fire of the Holyghost like never before.

They said to me I am the most untypical Preacher in Germany, and they say to me, Why do you so much shout when you are preaching?  Reinhard can’t you just reduce your voice? We are not deaf you know!

I told them It will surprise but I have actually reduce my voice, and many times I told them why I can’t just contain myself, when I see german souls losting away, in sin, adultery, alcoholic, and all kinds of sins, I can’t hold my peace, I can be cool or calm but then I will roar like a Lion!!!!

Jesus saves, Jesus still saves and I will never be calm, until I see the whole world saved!

To Watch The Full Sermon of this Testimony, Click Play.

Jesus is Lord!!!
Reinhard Bonnke!!!

Please share this great testimony with your friends, its mind blowing what the lord JESUS is doing!

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