Friday 29 January 2016

Beware Of Keeping A Wrong Company --- Bishop David Oyedepo

Beware Of Keeping A Wrong Company --- Bishop David Oyedepo (January 28, 2016)

"Walking in the company of the cursed brings a man under a curse. Just by keeping company with one under a spell keeps you under the same spell."

"There's no future for a believer whose confidant is an unbeliever."

"Jesus had to pray all night to choose His company.
Friendship is not by force but by choice - ensure to keep the right company."

"Make it difficult for the devil to walk into your company; don't let the devil walk into your life for free.

For parents: maintain high level of sensitivity to the company your children keep.

They are not permitted to do what they like, but what is right."

"Go with the blessed so his blessings will rub off on you. If you don't connect correctly, you will pay dearly. It is better to walk alone than to find yourself in the wrong company."

"Be extremely cautious about your life, because there's no spare.
When you sit around a friend and God's presence leaves you, that's an enemy.”

“I don't have a spare life, I must value the 

only one I have...making the most of one’s life is impossible in the wrong company. If Jesus needed to pray before choosing his company, it is a serious matter."

"Any one you have as friend that is not in pursuit of God as you claim to be, will soon get you off your track."

“Any person you call your friend is a reflection of your person.”


Proverbs 13:20

Luke 6:13

1John 5:14

2Samuel 13:2

1Corith 15:33

Genesis 13:5

Genesis 30:27

Matthew 7:25

Proverbs 27:17

Acts 3:1

God bles you as you obey; please do share with your friends.


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