Friday 29 January 2016

To All Winners; Tonight Night With The King is a Special Feet Washing Service

This Friday Night: 

"By a strange instruction of the Holy Spirit, and for the first time in the history of this Commission(as regards 21 Days Prayer and Fasting), this Friday is a special feet washing service. The Holy Spirit said, “I’m empowering my people to walk into their high places.” 

This announcement was made this morning by the Apostle over this Commission, Bishop David Oyedepo, during the Covenant Hour of Prayer. 

Emphasizing the importance of this last One Night with The King for this period of fasting and prayers, God's servant prophesied: 
"He’s washing your feet to move you into your high places. As your feet are treated, you are moving from glory to glory."
He ended by reminding the congregation that the service would be broadcast live to 46 centres, adding that no Winner should miss it for anything!


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