Saturday 3 September 2016

Winners chapel family: Prophetic focus for September 2016'

From: President, LFCW
To: All Mission Stations
Subject: Prophetic Focus for September 2016
Date: September 03, 2016

From Glory to Glory greetings in Jesus’ name.

I believe every one of us must have had definite encounters with the Holy Ghost in the course of the month of August 2016, and because whatever God does shall be forever, may our diverse encounters and experiences remain with us forever. 

But what is God saying concerning this new month of September?

All through scriptures, we see God leading His people to where their blessings were. Examples here include:
Abraham, who was guided to where his breakthrough was waiting.
Elijah was led to where he was being fed by ravens at the brook called Cherith.
He was further guided to the widow of Zarephath, where the widow and her household enjoyed supernatural supplies all through the remaining days of the famine.
Furthermore, when we follow the leading of Spirit, we cannot be stranded in any area of our life.
The truth is that, only those who are actively guided by the Spirit of God can really manifest as sons of God and this is why the more sensitive we are to divine directives, the more glorious our adventure becomes – Rom. 8:14
Therefore, we should all expect to be divinely guided to where our quantum-leap order of blessings are waiting this month – Deut. 32:12-14

However, we must recognize that:
Every step we take is either taking us closer or farther from our glorious destiny in Christ – Pro. 3:5-7
Every decision we make is either taking us up or bringing us down – Jer. 2:14-17
Every move we make is either helping or hurting our destiny – Ps. 32:8-10
The reason is because, when we miss out of divine direction, we are robbed and spoiled – Is. 42:22-24/ Pro. 14:12

Therefore, all through this month, we shall be exploring the power of divine guidance in accessing our next realms of glory – Is. 45:1-3

In the light of the above, the prophetic focus for the month of September 2016 is:

Recommended Books for the Month include:

* Understanding Vision
* Understanding Divine Direction - Authored by David O. Oyedepo
* In Pursuit of Vision

* How to be led by the Spirit - Authored by Kenneth E. Hagin
* Following God’s Plan for Your Life

Remain ever Blessed.

Jesus is Lord!

David O. Oyedepo


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