Friday 9 December 2016

Hi Beloveth, We have moved to, Praise the lord!

Hello Beloveths, praise the name of the lord, blessed be Gd who always causeth us to triumph in christ Jesus.

and Blessed be God who daily loaded us with benefits.

I bless you in the name of Jesus, especially every of our fans and readers, i really want to thank God for a good time we have had together in the past years.

Writing an epistle to bless and edify the body of christ all over the year as always been my desire and i want to thank God for the great blessings and great grace that we have been able to communicate through his platform and blog over the years.

So many awesome testimonies, that i have received from people, touches my heart and tells me, how mighty God as really made manifest his wonders and glory in people's live through the channel to This Blog.

Some of you have reached me and asked, why i  have not been posting articles as usual, i am sorry, we have been working on moving from this platform ( to a more commercial and advanced platform which is (wordpress), this as required so much work on our side and we have been doing our best to keep things together, but right, we are not just moving to wordpress, we are moving from our domain to a new one.

Now why are we changing our name or moving to a new website entirely?

I am sorry for those who may not find it comfortable, we have not really fine it comfortable too, but we have no choice, than to move.

Now, here s the reason, we spend so much to keep running and since its a vision from he lord to edify the body of Christ through our online platform, we don't have sponsors and we only earn few buck from online blog ads programs like google adsense, but then, adsense as banned our domain ( from showing ads and there is currently no other means to get funds and keep the site running than through adsense, that is why we had to move to, , so that you can always remember the new url. and also for the sake of search engine ranking.

The Lord bless you in Jesus, please if you will like t sponsor us and keep the vision going, kindly send me a mail at

Don't forget our new url is now -


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